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Showing posts from May, 2013

Education is much more than that !!!

In today’s world, why people want their children to be educated? At the first instant this question seems to be childish and some will say that the answer is obvious. Most of the people reply in this manner that “If my child will get good education he/she will get a good job and then he/she can earn more money”.I am not saying that everybody will reply same because some people are stupid like me who will say”If my child will get education then he/she will get respect in society and then he/she will spend their life peacefully and in the right manner”.These are the two opposite reasons you can listen in today’s society.I am not criticising any one type of parent because at least they want their children to be educated...which is better.Today when a child is born then the first thing parent decide for them is that what they are going to be in future,many decides that earlier then birth.Planning is  good thing but think that a poor child has just born and you are deciding the most ...

Its All In The Mind

Our mind mainly consists of two parts: one is called conscious mind (12%) and the other one is called sub conscious mind(88%). These two parts are very different to each other. Our conscious mind wants reason, it learn, it reacts or all about conscious mind is summarised as the sensible part of our mind. Now if we discussed about the sub conscious mind then it is somewhat different from the first part. The subconscious mind works as a tape recorder, when one thing is stored in it then it repeats just like magnetic tape. It doesn’t want reason, it records rather than learn. The subconscious mind knows how to walk, how to talk and regular working that we repeat time and time again. When we records one time that how to walk then every time we don’t have to think but we just act as the method is recorded in our sub conscious mind. How often we have seen that when we spent some time with a person who is suffering from a disease, after some time we feel that we are also suffering fro...

And Then Finally I Voted For.....

For the last 8 years or so my country is in a deep trouble which includes the last three years of Government of Pervaiz Musharraf and five years of PPP government.So during the last two weeks i was very much worried about the voting process in Pakistan.The confusion within my mind was that do i have to vote or not.The reason behind this confusion was the past , in 2008 the election process was not a right one ,one particular political party casted every vote on their side.When last time i went for voting the person of that political party snatched the ballot paper from me and then mark the stamp on their symbol.Therefore i decided that i will not go   to cast the vote. Another war was going through my mind that if i vote then to whom i should vote.The difference between a normal voter of Karachi and myself is that i vote after studying but a normal Karachi or voter of Pakistan vote according to caste,according to language,according to illegal benefit or sometimes according to ...

This is not a Problem.....

One of the most important need of a person is "Sleep",without sleeping nobody in this world can survive.When a person doesn't get enough sleep then mostly he/she will suffer from lower stress threshold. When you re tired, routine activities can feel like overwhelming tasks.Secondly Deep sleep fosters the formation of connections between cells, and REM sleep aids in memory formation. Students considering pulling an all-nighter to study for that big exam might do better to get some sleep.Third thing when you re dragging yourself through the day, it s hard to stay alert and focused. This is why we don t want our pilots and surgeons to lose too much sleep. Whether it s the effort we have to put into staying awake or other factors, sleep deprivation makes us less hopeful and less friendly. Several studies have found that sleep deprivation leads to increased blood pressure and even half a night of sleep loss has been reported to increase blood pressure in people with hyperte...