In today’s world, why people want their children to be educated? At the first instant this question seems to be childish and some will say that the answer is obvious. Most of the people reply in this manner that “If my child will get good education he/she will get a good job and then he/she can earn more money”.I am not saying that everybody will reply same because some people are stupid like me who will say”If my child will get education then he/she will get respect in society and then he/she will spend their life peacefully and in the right manner”.These are the two opposite reasons you can listen in today’s society.I am not criticising any one type of parent because at least they want their children to be educated...which is better.Today when a child is born then the first thing parent decide for them is that what they are going to be in future,many decides that earlier then birth.Planning is good thing but think that a poor child has just born and you are deciding the most ...
He always has a different theory !