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And Then Finally I Voted For.....

For the last 8 years or so my country is in a deep trouble which includes the last three years of Government of Pervaiz Musharraf and five years of PPP government.So during the last two weeks i was very much worried about the voting process in Pakistan.The confusion within my mind was that do i have to vote or not.The reason behind this confusion was the past , in 2008 the election process was not a right one ,one particular political party casted every vote on their side.When last time i went for voting the person of that political party snatched the ballot paper from me and then mark the stamp on their symbol.Therefore i decided that i will not go  to cast the vote.

Another war was going through my mind that if i vote then to whom i should vote.The difference between a normal voter of Karachi and myself is that i vote after studying but a normal Karachi or voter of Pakistan vote according to caste,according to language,according to illegal benefit or sometimes according to a particular sect.I am not accusing all voters but what i saw is what i am saying.According to my studies i decided to vote on some points that i will explain in this post.

1. For the last five years my country has suffered very badly from Energy crisis and the political parties that were in Government did nothing to overcome,so i decided to vote a party which has a proper idea for overcoming this problem.

2.Corruption was on the top of history ,during last five years almost people from all the parties were involved in corruption so i decided to vote a party who has clear representatives.

3.The involvement of America in Pakistan and their drone attacks created a mess in last five years,so decided to vote a party who can make us rise against this slavery of America.

4. As a teacher i always want to see one education system in Pakistan in which Urdu should be promoted,so i decided to vote a political party who will apply one education system in all Pakistan.

5.Foe the last five years i was looking for a leader because one leader of political party is living outside,one lived only in his house after surviving a suicidal attack,one always remain in the circle of security and bullet proof glass so i decided to vote for a leader who leads brave.

6. I want to stop all the banks that are working on Interest as it is strongly prohibited in Islam, so i decided to vote for a political party who has promised to launch an alternate system with no Interest.

7.As i am a Muslim but not a supporter of a particular sect so i decided to vote a political party who represents Muslim but not a particular sect.

8.As Hazrat Ali said"A system can even work  on Kuffur but not on injustice"so i decided to vote a party who will make the justice system justice.

9.I am a Hard worker who works in the right way and earn by working with the hand ,having self esteem i don't want different statuses in the society,i decided to vote for a party who want to erase the status core.
10.Last but most important i want to vote for a party who encourages the Worship of Allah rather than Worship of a person.

On 11 May ,on the day of Elections in Pakistan ,i woke up at 9:30 ,took bath , recited Holy Quran in a Quran Khuwani having a prayer in the heart that "May Allah help me in applying the government of Allah and give directions to the political party who wins the election",all the above points were in my mind when i was walking towards the polling booth.After receiving ballot paper i thoroughly watched all the symbols and names of persons ,my hands were cold because vote is a big responsibility , my vote can decide the fate of my nation for coming five years.I pressed the stamp in the ink pad and finally i voted for "Pakistan Tehreek e Insaaf".

Why???Read the above points again, you will definitely realise that i elected right.Now i pray to Allah that if they win and make Government ,help them full filling their promises.May Allah Bless Pakistan.


  1. good thinking infact responsible thinking...good share,,may ALLAH bless us and really the good change happens for which peoples tried today,,and may pakistan really becomes the quaid's pakistan for which millions of people suffered since it came into being,,,ammeeen..


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