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This is not a Problem.....

One of the most important need of a person is "Sleep",without sleeping nobody in this world can survive.When a person doesn't get enough sleep then mostly he/she will suffer from lower stress threshold. When you re tired, routine activities can feel like overwhelming tasks.Secondly Deep sleep fosters the formation of connections between cells, and REM sleep aids in memory formation. Students considering pulling an all-nighter to study for that big exam might do better to get some sleep.Third thing when you re dragging yourself through the day, it s hard to stay alert and focused. This is why we don t want our pilots and surgeons to lose too much sleep. Whether it s the effort we have to put into staying awake or other factors, sleep deprivation makes us less hopeful and less friendly. Several studies have found that sleep deprivation leads to increased blood pressure and even half a night of sleep loss has been reported to increase blood pressure in people with hypertension or pre-hypertension. A number of factors can lead to an increased risk of heart attacks, and sleep deprivation is one of them.

Today when i see around myself in my country and in my city , i see many of the people getting tired very soon even with a small work, loss of memory is common problem in my country and that is why the students are not getting the score as they are desired to get.Today no body concentrate on a thing for a long time, that is why the problems are getting worse because for solving any problem we need concentration, so often we see problems during the flight or landing of planes and many mistakes are reported in my country during surgical operation since 2005.Another thing which even blinds can see in my country that people fights on small issues and sometimes these fights leads towards bigger fights and as we all know that hope among people is almost lost in our society.So what is wrong with the people??Yes, these regular behaviour of people of Pakistan is the effects of lack of sleep.But the question rises that why the people and are getting complete sleep.

Many people around me often Praise the former president of Pakistan Pervaiz Musharraf but as always my theory is different because i feel that Pervaiz Musharraf played an important role in not getting the people enough sleep.In 2005 Pakistan and especially Karachi suffered from this type of load shadding as we are suffering.Before Jun 2005 loadshadding occurred in Karachi but during last 5 years their is no mercy on people is it day or night,students are sleeping after studying at school or people are sleeping after the running of day,is it 11:30 night or 2:30 night load shadding has to be done.This is only one after effect of loadshadding ,the actual list is very long.In last 8 years i always feel that Loadshadding of electricity is the biggest problem of Pakistan.I have learnt and i also teaches about "Entropy" which can commonly be called as the "Inefficiency of a system.According to one of the definition of entropy it is the measure of unavailability of energy for a system means when the supply of energy decreases for a system then the efficiency of that system decreases.I don't know why my mind always tell me that the system of my country is suffering because the system is not getting the energy either it is in the form of Electricity , natural gas or even food.

The nation prosper when they start solving the common issues between them but for last 5 years this issue is not seen by Government ,Political parties,Courts and Media...Why? i think figure that they don't want this problem to be solved.Because if people will not suffer through load shadding they will take full sleeps during afternoon or night then they will concentrate more and will start observing the corruption done by media , government or political parties.They want our memory to be bad so that we forget their deeds then vote them again in elections or the government and political parties are stake holder of KESC or electric supply companies otherwise five years are more than enough to solve this issue.Even a person like me who is not qualified according to government ,can solve this problem in 6 months or if i fail to do so even i can figure out the resistances for solving this problem but it is very shame for the government that they failed to explain that who and what is behind this deficiency of generation.

According to the Punjab government, 30 billion rupees is the amount of money spent on the Lahore Metro Bus Service. Overall the entire allocated money for Punjab infrastructure development is Rs63 billion which means that 50% or half of the development budget of Punjab was spent in Lahore.Why they didn't spent on money on power generation???Because they say "This is not a problem...continuity of Democracy is the main issue".Millions of Dollars has been spent on Benazir Income support program , which has made the people lazy and beggar .Why they didn't spent on money on power generation???Because they say "This is not a problem...continuity of name of Benazir is the main issue".MQM has spent millions of Dollars on the Parks in Karachi .Why they didn't spent on money on power generation???Because they say "This is not a problem...Talibanization is the main issue and people needs fresh air because of their terror".

At least vote for a person who solves the common problem instead of giving lolly pop to the nation.


  1. This is the real basic second thoughts :)

  2. Load shedding has badly crippled the economy of the country, snatching the morsel of labourer kids’, as 50% industries have come to a halt. The long 14 to 16 hours non availability of power supply, has added to miseries of the patients lying on beds at hospitals, old and babies at home, tube wells, the only source of drawing water having been stopped working, have left the people yelling for water, workshops have come to almost close, and what not?
    It is the biggest problem...

  3. Load shedding is a big menace for people of Pakistan. This crisis can be controlled by using alternate resources like solar,wind,geo thermal etc which are free.It will cut off expenditures too. This time we have to vote wisely.

  4. @ sumayya
    That's good, then vote for the person who give priority to this problem.

  5. @ Amir Alam
    Yes , that is why we all have to think and try to solve this problem.

  6. @ Sundas
    Yes , there are many ways but the problem is the intention because the people of Pakistan are just sitting and watching and nobody is taking responsibility to solve this problem.


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