Our mind mainly consists of two parts: one is called conscious mind (12%) and the other one is called sub conscious mind(88%). These two parts are very different to each other. Our conscious mind wants reason, it learn, it reacts or all about conscious mind is summarised as the sensible part of our mind. Now if we discussed about the sub conscious mind then it is somewhat different from the first part. The subconscious mind works as a tape recorder, when one thing is stored in it then it repeats just like magnetic tape. It doesn’t want reason, it records rather than learn. The subconscious mind knows how to walk, how to talk and regular working that we repeat time and time again. When we records one time that how to walk then every time we don’t have to think but we just act as the method is recorded in our sub conscious mind.
How often we have seen that when we spent some time with a person who is suffering from a disease, after some time we feel that we are also suffering from the same disease...It is all in the mind. You must have heard of placebos(sugar pills) given to the patients by doctor which are nothing but sugar but after taking the pill the patient feel well because the patient has trust in the doctor and i have seen that patients are always satisfied with a doctor who takes the temperature reading, blood pressure reading and ask many questions to doctor but a doctor who diagnosis it quick and prescribed the medicine but the medicine do not effects...why because the patient had in his/her mind that doctor has not checked me properly..It’s all in the mind. Often when we enter in a new place to us, we feel happy , sad ,warm or cold ,it is because of the mind waves left by the people who were there before that is why some houses are good for everyone and some are bad. Same is with the haunted places when a person does not know that a particular place is haunted or something then there is 90% chance that the person will not feel haunted or fear but if the person knows that the place is haunted then it will be 90% chance that he will see or hear something that is unusual.
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We Pakistanis have been listening and watching that we are bad, we are terrorists, every person is corrupt , the reason for making Pakistan is a false one , Quaid e Azam wanted this place to be secular ,democracy is the best policy ...for last 10 years (mainly through electronic media) .Un fortunately these things are recorded in our subconscious mind and psychologically saying we are suffering from a mental disease that is paranoid personality disorder. But the question arises that will we remain like that???No, if you want change then talk to your subconscious mind, feed it with good and bad will vanish and believe me it will! .Always remember we are better than many of the nations of world...when i say that i have a strong reason. Which nation except us is suffering from energy crisis, terrorism, corruption, political crisis , internal issues , external enemies , blames , conspiracies???No one but after suffering from all the things in last eight years still we are better than many of the nations ,so believe in your country.
How to use your sub conscious mind? First stop watching News channel before going to sleep because you will not feel but the news will make your subconscious mind feel that something is wrong around you so before going to sleep repeat a sentence like “From tomorrow i will be happy” 100 times just like that before sleep the last thought has to be that.sub sequently it will go to the sub conscious mind and believe me next day when you will wake up you will feel the difference. Now repeat this for four days and then try a new sentence. First solve your own problems and then do it for your country and countrymen. On the first look it seems to be very childish to do so but if you are not happy with something or you want something to change then try at least this for one day but with a belief in your heart because without confidence and trust this will not work.
So chill out, stop watching crap, and be excellent to each other. You'll probably notice that the world is a lot nicer place than the media tend to make out.
Thank you !
It seems quite amazing if this can work but if it can work then we must and should try it.
ReplyDeleteFurther...Superconsciousness...Divine Sacred Realm of the Gods..
ReplyDeleteIs this real psychology? Where are the studies that show that this is the case and where do those percentages come from?
ReplyDeleteIn other words, "Nothing to see here. Everything is just fine. Move along." Good luck with that.
ReplyDelete+Huw Evans Yes , it is please read
+Crews Giles no i am particularly saying about the news channels, otherwise to learn is to see and observe...also see for the misguidance of media http://whentalhaspeaks.blogspot.com/2013/03/who-rules-world.html
ReplyDeleteForgive my scepticism but I am reluctant to buy a book claiming that positive thinking can (among other things) cure lung cancer. Surely there is some research paper that explains where this particular idea of the subconscious comes from. And what is actually being measured by this 12%-88% ratio.
ReplyDeleteWhat our mind can do for us...12% is done by conscious and 88% subconscious...but really friend it really works..at least for the peace of mind you can try it.
ReplyDeleteI think you are confusing "Divine Science" and "Religious Science" with actual Science. This appears to be more an explanation of the Murphy's religion than actual psychology. If you are going to continue to make claims of this kind you need to explain what the subconscious is and how you measure what it does.
ReplyDeleteThat is called co relating the different sciences instead of confusing sciences.
ReplyDeleteVery good post for every community, take it as a experience not as a msg+Muhammad talha bin yousuf.thx.
ReplyDeleteThank you and welcome.
ReplyDeleteNo, you are mistaken in thinking that this is science at all. It certainly does not belong on a psychology page. Positive thinking does wonders and placebo pills are scientifically proven but the rest of this is just misleading.
ReplyDeleteFor arguments sake I could take the stance that 2% of what the mind does is performed by the Concious mind and 98% by the subconscious. What can you do to prove me wrong in this?
The fact is it just doesn't mean anything.
Psychology is a soft science, the fact that you're pushing for scientific reasoning akin to the laws existing within mathematics and physics...well good luck with that. Maybe when we become robots and our minds will operate within set parameters and abide by a system of laws... Or maybe we can all have our own experiences when reading posts on subjects that are beyond or ability to understand, idk.
Deletewhat i am discussing is a theory not a law or principle that can be observed by everyone...i will not believe if you said so ...the percentages are the results of statistics on the practical did on thousands of people during the exploration of sub conscious mind....but it only works for a person who believes so..one thing you said right this is not a usual science but certainly it has done wonders for many...including me....that's why i shared.
ReplyDeleteI have just spent an hour writing my reply to this post which might help the non-believers to believe...eventually I had written a small book which read what is totally obvious to us who already believe...and then it dawned on me that I was wasting my time...how am I or anyone capable of giving the impossible belief...Im not the one controlling you so cannot make you believe without proof can I ...YOU ARE GIVING THAT POWER OVER TO SCIENCE...(what is science but experiments, conscious testing subconscious theory, seeing is believing you say! If you're seeing this then either your eyes are deceiving you or or your mind is...decieving your eyes or maybe I am just crazy!...But not as crazy as the lunatic who brought the power of computing into your life though...only a nutcase would have believed that one day people will be able to do this wouldn't they...and here we all are, nutcases who believe in our crazy ideas as much as we believe in yours Huw Evans...& you think you are the sensible one! Can you prove It without requiring a scientific procedure specifically created for prooving just that kinda thing...designed by another of us lunatic believers of course!
ReplyDeleteThank you Tina Gray for a great explanation.