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The Psychology Of Terrorism

The Supportive theory of Psychotherapy concentrates on the fact that any mental patient can be treated if the person starts to talk and start to express their feelings.The first step of this therapy is known as "Ventilation" in which the patient is let to express the feeling.Which boost the self esteem of the person and then it helps to build hope.In this manner the person feel relax in expressing the feelings.But when the person going through depression or mental trauma and the person is not allowed to talk or express then it's the time the person will burst and can become violent.Most of the people who keep quiet at that time will become violent and dangerous.

Now look at the statistics by US Drone Strike Statistics,according to the New America Foundation(As of 25 December 2013).
I want you to look at the civilians and unknown column.The statistics shows that 286 civilians are killed in drone attacks and 274 unknown people were killed in drone attacks.It has been said that "When an innocent person is killed , then whole humanity dies", considering the fact that the drone attacks killed the humanity.
I would also like to bring the attention that these are the only statistics of drone attacks and many more innocents were killed in military actions in Pakistan.

In the days of Media where an actress gives the one hour interview on her second or third marriage, the families of those innocent people are never allowed on media to express their sadness on the un fortunate death of  their people.
So, what will be the mind set of those people, they can't cry, they can't complain and instead of feeling bad for the killings of those innocent people , the media declares them the militants or terrorists so what their families will feel?

Let us consider if your family is killed in such type of attacks or your loved one, your child what will you do?Sit quite?
I am not justifying terrorism but what I am saying is that how psychology is involved in that.The Terrorists uses the dynamic theory on the families of the innocent people killed in drone attacks or in military action.the dynamic theory involves giving challenge to person suffering from mental problem.So, the people accepts the challenge from the bad people and by this terrorism expands and expands.If we can apply the supportive procedure on those families can't we stop these activities?I am sure we can.

What media and government can do, hire the psychologists who visit those families and media should fulfil their duty, do programs on those families and let them explain, let them express, let them show their wounds it will relieve them a bit.I will help the peace procedure for the country and world as well.

Hope you get the point.


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