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Thank You Sir !

I was very worried at that time , the college timings were going to end but i was not able to ask the question i wanted to ask.At last myself and my friend Arif were free from all the classes and then i asked him to go with me to ask that question.It was an afternoon in 2008 and i was in D.J Sindh Govt. Science college , completing the last year of BSc.The worry was that i just started the teaching and then i was stuck in a topic's basic understanding.The Topic was "Phase Angle" and i was unable to understand the basic idea behind "Initial phase angle".We met with few teachers to get the basic idea of the topic , one teacher said "it is impossible to define everything in Physics", one  teacher explained the mathematical definition and what one teacher said was flown away above my head.When we were leaving the department of Physics ,I saw him and thank God that time because i was sure that then i will have the right answer.I asked the same question from him, he paused for few seconds in his own style and said "The reading of the system before we have started the observation"and i was "WOW !", it was so easy to understand and to describe to my students.Then he asked "Did you get my point?" and i Said "Yes, Sir...Thank You Sir."He was One and only , from whom i have learnt  a lot Sir Shehzad Muslim Khan who was lecturer of Physics, at that time in D.J Sindh Govt Science College.

When i first went to D.J College with broken heart , i had no hope that i can do anything in the life.When i went there , in starting days every teacher asked us to leave the BSc. or particularly Physics' Subject.Also senior students told us that Sir Shehzad is very dangerous and very strict but when he came into class , he just make all student understand the difficulty we will face .The good teacher is the one who tells us the difficulty and also it's solution and the same did by Sir Shehzad , he told us how to coop up with the difficulty,he asked us to teach the intermediate class, he encourages us that there is no harm in studying before teaching and he also said that no problem if a student asked you a question to don't know , he said that if that happen you should say that i don't know and i will tell you after studying rather than to tell the wrong.I liked the idea and with confidence he gave i started to teach in a coaching centre and he always welcome the the student who want to understand a topic to teach and therefore he was very helpful to me also.

During matriculation i studied Physics by just memorising the definitions and derivation, in intermediate i did nothing regarding studies but when i studied Physics under his supervision i was very much interesting in Physics, and i today i know the only way to study is to make interest in study.As a teacher i always encourages my students to ask question and to take interest in Physics and by the grace of Allah i am not too bad as a teacher.I also adopted his way of delivering lectures , giving examples, some humour and also how to dictate notes to the students during lecture.At the start i always copy him and his style and now some what a reflection of his art can be seen in my way of teaching.Even i got job in coaching and in college by teaching the same topic i learnt best from him and by delivering the lecture in his style.

Another thing which i have learnt from Sir Shehzad , the hard work.In Ramzan many of the teacher are not as good as they used to be but Sir was same in Ramzan also , his voice and the sentences always have the same intensity.Another thing which i learnt from him is dedication, he was one of the few teachers who teach with the same intensity in Government college and in Coaching and Sir does the same in both college and coaching.He is the prime example of a good teacher nowadays.

By writing this post i just wanted to Thank Sir , because what i am today is very much because of his teachings and encouragement.

Thank you Sir !
Sorry Sir for uploading your pic without your permission


  1. If you are a copy of him then I really want to meet the original.

  2. No , at the start i always try to copy him, but i am half as good as he is.

  3. Can you please update us about Sir Shehzad. He was me and my brother's teacher in 99' to 2001 during our X &XI grades at The collegiate and Practical Centre respectively.Yes you are right, he developed the love of physics in us both. Though we both went on to pursue medicine but physics never left our hearts.The charm of those days when we used to walk 2 to 3 miles on foot to attend his lecture in evenings. We tried finding contacts of our old teachers but those buildings,owners changed and everything's so unfamiliar. I will be thankful if you can provide his info.

  4. It's so nice to hear such comments from his students .He indeed was a wonderful person , teacher. please do remember him in your Duas that may Allah swt grant him jannatulfirdous,Ameen.
    Mrs.Nazneen Shahzad

  5. You are right i was his student from 2k19-20 batch and he was the one nobody has that level


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