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My Grass Is More Greener!

The Grass is always greener ( in short) or The Grass is always greener on the other side is a psychological syndrome.The base of the “grass is greener syndrome” is the idea that there is always something better that we are missing. So rather than experiencing stability, security, and satisfaction in the present environment, the feeling is there is more and better elsewhere, and anything less than ideal won’t do. Whether it’s with relationships, careers, or where you live, there is always one foot out the door.The two main problem with this are fantasy and fear. The fear comes from several possibilities, including fear of being trapped in commitment, fear of boredom, fear of loss of individuality, and fear of oppression.Along with these fears comes the issue of compromise. In people who fear commitment, comprising certain desires, needs, and values for the sake of the unity can feel like oppressive sacrifice. When this happens, the perception is that there is something else out there that will allow us to have all that we crave, want, and value, and that it will happen on our terms.Second the fantasy comes from observing the behaviour of people (actually not observing them carefully)are far from us.The far distance limits our vision to see the fear and commitments or responsibilities of those people and then "The Far Grass Start Appearing more Greener".

In recent times along with the flood of media and social media around us this syndrome has become very common in under developed countries rapidly.As in Pakistan the media shows us that we are the only nation who is living in the fear...the fear or terrorism or fear of bad economy.But clearly observing my country I noted that we are doing far better than other nations of the world.I know that my country is not at it's best like our grass is not clearly green but believe me the situation beyond boundaries are not at their best.(far grass or the grass across fence is not the best green).Most of the youngsters who watches the English or American Films in Pakistan see that the places are beautiful, everyone is happy, everyone has money and everybody is enjoying outside the Pakistan.But reality is totally opposite.They have their issues , they have their fears, they have their poor populations but the youth get lost in the positive shown by these movies.our media also highlights only the crimes that are occurring in Pakistan.Just an example every bullet fire is reported if it is in Pakistan but don't they remember the incidents of firing in Schools in America.Problems are every where but we see the far grass green.

I know economy of Pakistan is also not in best shape but many other countries are worse when it comes to quality of life.

On this list Turkey comes first where average household disposable income: $23,047.But when we see  on media ,Turkey has the best quality of life.See more...
British youngsters among the worst in developed world for reading and writing See more...
U.S. Students Struggle More Than Global Peers to Top Parents See more...
13 American Gangs That Are Keeping The FBI Up At Night See more...
The above examples are to open up the eyes that far grass is going worse.

Now Look at the positives of my Country Pakistan.
Pakistan ranked 16th among 151 countries of the world on the Happy Planet Index (HPI) 2012, beating India and the United States which ranked 32nd and 105th respectively. Costa Rica was termed the happiest country, followed by Vietnam and Colombia.See More...
Pakistan ranks 9th Cauliflowers and broccoli production, output of 209,000 tons,In Cotton production, output of 10.3 million bales ranks 4th , In Onion production, output of 1,701,100 metric tons ranks 7th and Wheat production, output of 23.3 million metric tons ranks 8th.My country is still in the best shape after so much of mess, Just think if everything will be fine then What we will do

What I meant to speak in this article is that "We have to respect our country", "we have to live in our country",situation can change but only if we live here, giving up or leaving your country is not the solution.You are the part of your country and it's your responsibility to make it perfect.

Long Live Pakistan!


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