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Valentine's Day ! Who is Earning...Who is Suffering ?

"The Intelligent will not die hungry unless the fool is alive" 

What has happened to the world? Why they always follow a particular trend of the world? Why nobody wants to be a "Voice" and everybody is trying to be an "Echo"? Many of these questions make my Blood pressure to increase day by day.I felt that this is the problem of my country or my nation but as I am not suffering from Myopia ,I look around the world and got the same result, everybody is suffering from this.
Like in my Country every month is fixed for a particular trend and who is earning from them? The one who they feel their enemies.Like the electricians and China earned a lot when in recent months people were following a trend to decorate their streets and houses...I am talking generally because I noticed and I can bet that after few more years it will be compulsory for everyone to decorate the house and street otherwise they will be considered the person who Hate more then Love.

I should have written this article a few days ago but I didn't because I was not one who follow the trend.My main topic is the celebration of valentine's day.Apart from religious debates that Is it permissible to celebrate that day is good or bad I am presenting another theory because the people who celebrate this day will never stop celebrating If it is the matter of their religion.So what is the wrong in celebrating this day except the religious problem?Many people also seem to resent the holiday's obligatory nature. A survey of 6,400 people by the National Retail Federation found that fewer people are expected to participate in Valentine's Day this year (54 percent compared to 60 percent last year). Those who do take part will drop $134 on the day's festivities.

People in new relationships felt more obligated; and men felt more obligated than women.
And yet, people expect that their significant others will spend more on them for Valentine's Day than they themselves want to spend. As Martha C. White pointed out in Time, both men and women who are in relationships want their lovers to shell out an average of $240, yet men themselves say they plan to spend $98, and women just $71.Like when I went to the educational institutes I teach , I was surprise to see the people are discussing it more and more these days and more over I just observed that Giving chocolates this day is becoming compulsory and by doing this who we are giving the money?Like for example can you calculate the number of Cadbury dairy milk sold that day and how much they have earned from us?It's just uncountable.

I am not asking to stop Love and express Love, everybody has their own life, I am just asking that is this the only day to express it or it is the only way to show Love?Why can't we love Humanity and give all that money that we spend on gifts or chocolates to the poor people or our family?Why we can not sponsor houses for the people who don't have it by this money?Why can't we sponsor the medicine for the people who can not afford that?If you really support Love why do you not Love people? Only spending Money on one person shows you how you care.What I see is that media is also working on this...As we all know the media actually works for corporations and they will support these kinds of day which will make money for their sponsors.Go back in time , not far but 15 to 20 years , did we celebrate this day on that bigger stage?Obviously...No.The media feed the people by running program after program on these types of events and make their sponsors earn big time and who is suffering...The Common Man.

I will support this kind of day if people celebrate it under their limits and not by letting corporations make them fool.

Hope you understand.


  1. The way you think is same with mine. What I'm always doing is i never miss Du'a for our brothers and sisters. Bcoz this our responsibility. When I saw them suffer my heart broken. And I'm know Almighty ALLAH listen to our Du'a. Aamiin

  2. Agree ! We can use the money wasted on chocolates in a much better way.

  3. how,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,s your health, Good

  4. You expressed your thoughts well in this article, Talha. To be a Voice, rather than the Echo requires exertion of thought.

    The human brain-body-nervous system avoids exertion of thought, because this requires asking and answering questions--thinking deeply on the meaning of life; it is just too much effort for many people.

    Is it not easier to always take the shortest distance between two points? Is is not easier to adopt, without question...a "copy and paste" mindset--easier to follow and echo the beliefs of others, rather than the effort required to experience the truth of the words and express the truth of one's experience in an original expression of that truth-experience?

    1. Thank you +Tim R Walls
      Yes, you are right it's really too much for some people.


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