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Twenty Minutes with a Primary Teacher

People are always right when they say that “Few minutes with a wise and honest person can give you more lessons than hours of books”. Truly you will get more motivation from honest people and they can show you the way to live in life and also live in people’s mind after death. There has always been a great debate in Pakistan that which education system we have to follow and moreover there is another debate of private and government education institutions. In Pakistan approximately all people will feel that the private institutes are better than the government schools or colleges but again I have a different theory. According to me the private institutes has the main object to make money and also I feel the civilization has to be done by the government, no other sector can do that. But one thing is right that right now the government schools are not working as they should be but instead of adopting another system why we don’t try to fix the existing system???
A Primary School in Pakistan

Six day ago a person came to my Coaching center for the admission of his son, on introduction I came to know that he is the Head Master of a primary school in Shah Faisal Colony, Karachi. During the admission process we had some time to talk. Firstly he told us about his time studies that at that time when a teacher punishes the student, the student give him the more respect and the student always try not to do the same mistake again. At that time student always hide the punishment from the parents because they knew that the parent will also scold them again because if a teacher has punished a student then he should have made the mistake. Nowadays when a teacher only scold (not punish) a student then the next day his parents make noise in the school and protest against the punishment. So you can see that the respect of teacher and similarly the respect of parent has been lost. He mentioned one incident when he was being a principal standing on sitting near a shop, he saw his teacher after 20 years or so and he told me that he stood up and stood still until his teacher crossed the street…he said this is respect and then he said why he did that?...because he feels what he is today is just because of his teacher. Nowadays what I have seen is that only after few days the student don’t recognize the teacher.

He said when he got the job, at that time the person who appointed him said to him,”Always remember you are getting this job to serve those little kids who will come to your school so it is your duty to serve them as a teacher and take care of them”. He said that since then he is just doing that. I was surprise to see a dedicated person who is a primary teacher and so much dedicated even after being a principal. He also said that people said to him that he allow the students to come without uniform but he said that the locality in which his school is located is very underdeveloped area and the students who come to his school are very poor or working children so if he will the restriction of proper uniform then many of the students will not be able to come to school so he said he always allow the students to come school. He also said that he is also very strict for the teachers under him and he always ask the teacher to make full attendance and take every period of the day that is why he think his school has the highest students in the whole town.

These were only fifteen to twenty minutes we talk but I take many lessons and many motivation as a Teacher and a certainly believe that is every government school teacher start thinking like him then we will not require any private sector to come in education department.


  1. Somal Kayani Via Google Plus19 January 2014 at 06:00

    Why is that so ? Why now we don't respect teachers as students used to do ? 

    1. Nowadays students think that the teachers are just employees of their school or college and they are just doing jobs like everyone does so.Moreover the private institutes's head also treat their teachers like employees of the company, they scold teacher in front of student so the teacher lost his/her respect in the eyes of the students.Other thing teacher always fight against the teacher to hide their weakness of not giving proper time to the children are not respecting the teachers as they used to.

    2. Somal Kayani Via Google Plus19 January 2014 at 06:07

      Yeah you are right , and thank you for this post. Sir rehan asked similar question to us , we gave them answers but i just missed to know about his point of view , so thank you for the right answer.

    3. I have discussed this topic with Sir Rehan many times and this is the reason we feel is the most important factor in the loss of Teacher's respect in today's Pakistan...and you are welcome.

  2. may be many are from government schools or instituitions here but new generation dnt know about the government schools system and the grooming done there..government schools still have very hard working teachers and they are with dedication unlike the private sector that just are for earning,,this is the worse of private set up that they are just moderanizing our generations not nourishing them with our basic cultural our ethical values...and parents are satisfied with they are giving their kids rhe best.

    1. Yes , you are right +maryam turk , people feel shame to study in government sector without any reason, actually what I think most the parents hide their weakness of not giving the child proper attention as they are mostly busy in money making so they feel that just admit them in a private school or college will do miracle for their child...that is why today's child is un aware of the government education that is related to culture.

    2. +Muhammad Talha Bin Yousuf yes and teacher only memorises the course within due time with no interest in their grooming which is the actual role of theirs..

    3. Yes, I have seen that there teachers are bound to do many other activities or workshop so the teachers lose the interest to teach the student with intensity and you are right the actual role of a teacher in school is more of a guardian rather than just delivering lectures.

  3. Talha, this is true. If we all held these values, educating our children would be a breeze

    1. Yes +Dora Kemirimo we need our children to learn values and knowledge both.


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