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The Psychology Of The Slaves

150 Years ago it was a time when labours were needed for the parks and river along the Mississippian river that's why the officials went to Africa.In African woods they had dungeons , in which mostly there are three rooms for the prisoners or slaves.In one room there were man , in one there were women and in other one there were children.The people were caught just like the elephants are caught with the help of trap , then they are were kept there for months and years.The children cries but the parents were not  able to do any thing , the women were picked for Luxury but the husbands were not able to do anything, the e and man were beaten up brutly but the wife and mother were not able to say a single word.Like this way they are kept and then they ask them to do the work and at last they agreed and do the work which was wanted from them and they are loaded in the ship and transported to the Mississippian river.This is the psychology of Slavery that keep them badly , just allow to breath and nothing else, when they they get used to slavery take the work from them.

In today's society everybody thinks that there is no slavery but I think there is more of a mental slavery.Like I discussed in Only you can cure yourself , the loans are one of their example , like we are slaves to media because we only believe on it , what it shows is right ? but we all are dependent on it today and there are many more examples around.Mostly my nation is slave to some of the power full country of the world.Like I explained happens in slavery the same happens to us.There in Dungeons there were powerful man but were not able to save the respect of there mothers, wives and sisters.In Today's society we have poets, leaders, scholars and sages but they are not doing anything  for the nation.They are not building there nation as they could do in freedom, because they are slaves to someone they are helpless.In slavery another thing which happens commonly is that even if everybody has a single goal but when it comes to the method to be followed , everybody comes with the other ideas.In this way we can say that everybody is a slave to his thought and nobody want the collective goals.

The Nations or organizations making us their slaves are doing another thing.For example, if we want everybody to forget the bravery or the strength of the lion we should try the lion to learn to fly like an eagle , if we constantly make the lion busy in learning other things then he will forget his strength and then his Legend will be forgotten by the world.Today , the nations that want us to be their slave constantly make us busy in other activities and as it works we try to adopt their culture or things we forget our own way of living.Like they welcome us to learn their language and then we are forgetting our own language.They regularly invite our prospecting students, doctors and engineers sometimes for money and sometimes giving a scholarship or something.We have to identify their motive that why they want us to learn their culture.They always try to make us realize that we need them but reality is that they need us,they say that we have to depend on them other wise there is no way out for us but we have to understand that if we think being a slave we will have a psychology as the slaves has.

Stop being a Slave , Identify the Trap , React and Be free !

Thank you.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes , they ask the something impossible and people do it for the rest of their life like slaves.

  2. I like that collective is a major point.

  3. Today almost everybody is a slave.It goes further like police...i work in health field and people are asked doctors nurses to do things outside their moral judgment all the time..lawyers too, especally military.... they have to kill children in sure that way outside any parents morals.....its hard to except the idea that there are times where morals will be put to a test especially on the job.....

    1. Yes, sometimes it is very hard to find the right way , sometimes what Boss says is not right but the people who feel themselves as the slave of the Boss act the way Boss wanted them.

  4. I call it FREE RANGE SLAVERY.

  5. I do think it's important to not devalue something as tyrannical as slavery. I certainly agree that we find ourselves enchained by a desire to meet the standards and aspirations laid down by the media, though we should be cautious about the analogies made. 

    1. Yes , there are many approaches to the psychology , may be what you think can solve the psychological problem better than my theory.


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