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Love Is All About...

Everybody in this world defines "Love" in different words.For Poet it is the person on which he writes poem,for travellers it is the destination, for sunflower it is the sun , for river it's the sea , for Obama it is the war , for me it is the peace , for mother it is her child and so on.But in all the cases some words are common so I define the word in that manner.Love is all about understanding, giving , caring , respecting a person without any bad intention or financial benefit.I love if we see our love in pain , we feel the same pain.We cry when we see them crying or sometimes just by thinking them in trouble.We fight with the person who fight with our love , we like the things that are related to that person.Everybody shows the love in their manner, some show the respect, some show the care , some just follow, some by praying and some show by the support.

There was a person from we can learn what the real love is about.He cried for us, lived the whole life praying for us,fought for us ,always wanted good for us and for that he has no hidden is the pure love.He was my master and the world's greatest personality Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.I am not equivalent to a single dust particle of his Shoe and I am nothing to write on him but he is my Master and the best man to be followed.So see his life he cried for us and he never smiles after he saw that what will happen to his Ummah in future so how much he loved us.He always asked Allah for our forgiveness and betterment.He showed the love as a teacher , as a leader ,as a Prophet , as a Muslim , as a Human , as a Husband, as a father and indeed he is the best role model  for us in every part of life.A Allah Mentioned in Quran 

Indeed in the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad) you have a good example to follow for him who hopes in (the Meeting with) Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah much.
Quran (Surah Al-Ahzab, Verse 21)

So how can we reply his Love???

By Understanding his teachings, by understanding that what he has chosen for us .By Respecting him and his companions, family and his followers also.Always remember if you respect a person that you should always be against the person who disrespect him so hate the people who Disrespect your Prophet.If we love Prophet Muhammad S.A.W then we should stop the fight against him.Many people will think being Muslim can we fight against Allah and Muhammad S.A.W...believe me some Muslims are fighting against Allah and Muhammad S.A.W.
Lets read it

"O you who have believed, fear Allah and give up what remains [due to you] of interest, if you should be believers.And if you do not, then be informed of a war [against you] from Allah and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may have your principal - [thus] you do no wrong, nor are you wronged. (Surah Baqarah:278-279)"
So if you are using , giving or taking Ribah or Interest you are fighting with Allah and Muhammad S.A.W , the person who love you most. So if you Love Prophet Muhammad S.A.W in return, then Respect him , obey him , follow him , respect his companions and family , respect and care for the people of his Ummah.
This is what Love is all About...Loving Muhammad S.A.W because he loves us.


  1. Those who have hope for the meeting of Allah and the reward (Thawab) of the Hereafter, and remember Allah oft, for them the blessed personality of the Holy Prophet ( peace be upon him ) is the best example. They ought to follow his footsteps in all affairs, in all moments of peace and motion, in all manners of sitting and departing, and they should learn his conduct in courage, steadfastness and perseverance etc.

  2. Perfect explanation of love with perfect example!
    May Allah forgive us for everything we have done which goes against the teachings of our beloved Prophet(SAW) . 


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