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The Loss Of Soul In Education

It has been a great debate over the last few years and before that also, that technology has serve the humanity or it looses the charm from the humanity.For example, we observe that the old music or songs seems to be more soulful and the recent songs looses their charm in very short period of time.Why is that so? Some say that because of many musical albums people forgets the song very soon, some say that this is not good music or voice, some say people want freshness but as always I have a different theory.I think that due to the use of digital music instead of playing the instrument together, songs looses the beauty and soul that is why we say the old is gold or say them that they are evergreen songs.What I want to say is that use of technology helps us in many ways but due to it's over usage everything seems to be meaning less and sweet less.

The same applies in education also , due to the introduction of technology the humanity has built themselves in many waves but in a larger view it is destructive also.In my time ( near past ) when my teacher says consider a box , then every student considers that in a different manner, some consider big , some small, some near , some far , some in the sky , some on the ground.This allowed us to think , think big and think differently.But I see today the teacher starts the multimedia and start a presentation in it , which has a box.Every single student will see the same box , so student never bother to think in a different manner or he/she can't ask a different question which can came in their mind when they suppose their own box.I still remember one of my English teacher , when teaching us Birkenhead Drill story.She asked us to close the eyes and then prompt us to think the whole scenario that was on the Ship and believe me we consider that and I still remember the whole situation.But today when teacher trying to teach a novel or story then he/she searches for a movie on  story and then make the student watch that.I know it is help full but not as much as the previous method, student should think themselves and have to use their imagination. As Einstein said.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”

He rightly said, Now coming to another point , in higher studies in helped us understanding but some how it has made us routinist,we can think differently and largely.In past the university students try to read different books to find their answers and to prepare for examination.But today when the college or university students want some answer they write that on search engine and get the answer.Some will say that it is good that instead of wasting time in book reading or searching the student found answer in few minutes so the student is more productive.But I ask them that what will they without Internet? Nothing. They make their habit of not learning but searching on Internet so the soul of learning or it's purpose dies then.Learning is a building process and always remember my friend that the construction takes time and destruction does not.So if you see that construction of knowledge is not taking the time so remember that knowledge in not building.I also know that it helps us in some manner ; like when I was studying the Drilling for petroleum so I watched many animated videos which explain that the process of drilling, as we can't go inside earth for several 1000 feets so then it was helpful but using it all the time will never enhance the learning of students.

Now in research level, we all can see that we are short of new ideas.When the last theory was presented in Physics?But we know only the development of Solid State physics in past few years because the money is involved.When the last formula or any thing was presented in mathematics?In past years or so everything is going round and round for money making process, for making new technology.More over, research papers are on Internet so an increased number of PhD are seen in my country or in world also. People are not thinking on new ideas they are just following the trends because in their School, College or university are were not allowed to think differently.So , lot of technology is a blessing or Curse?

Use it intelligently but don't over use.If you are a student then always try to think big and think different.If you are a Parent or Teacher, allow the student to think and ask.That's what I Wanted to say.
Comments will be appreciated.
Thank you.


  1. Agree. We are nothing without internet! We know that we'll find it again easily that's why we don't try to learn it, which is real soul of education.

  2. yeah it is right without internet we are nothing..but i have confused in some situation recently i saw a report medical tell us mostly people losing their memory due to use of internet how??? i tell you when i use internet in internet we find all things then we don't use our brain we don,t give pressure on it due to this we are suffering...its also no wrong if we look in past when calculator was not invented anyhow people were study the maths they solved the question in 2 min as compare to todays generation they were no need for calculator but now if one person solve one question then for other question they need for calculator...i saw every person tell us even my teacherz new technology has spoiled the new this situation i have confused...i think what is right n what is wrong????

    1. There is no harm in using the technology in a limit , like we can use calculator when there are large number of digits involved to save the time, but don't be a routinist or make calculator a compulsion,so if we use it intelligently then no problem we can use it.
      Hope this answers your question.

  3. Actually, I think the spirit of learning has been lost.

    The internet if used properly should make people much smarter, as knowledge and information are so easy to access now.

    However, I fear that for many, the opposite is happening. The easy access to knowledge teaches them that it lacks value. They don't need to know it. They can just go look it up. Of course they never do.

    By the way - this is my least favourite Einstein quote. I've seen it used many a time by people who know very little to assert that their uninformed opinion on some vastly technical scientific question is just as good as that by some learned authority.

    Trust me it's not. One needs imagination AND knowledge. Einstein had both in spadefuls.

    1. Yes, you are right if the technology is used properly then there is less harm and more benefit.

  4. Thank you soooooo much talha bhai :)p


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