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Don't Worry....Be Happy !

Along with the many bad things, the corporatism has largely increase the sadness or what psychologist says , depression .There was a time when the people were happier than they are now.Many people will oppose me but what i am saying is true.The expansion in the media especially the news casting media , people are much likely to be depressed.People will say that the media shows the truth ....whats wrong in that?Yeah i agree that the news media shows the truth but as we all know that today our society has negative more than the positive.I relate that with a example that the water sewerage system is also a truth of society and we can not ignore that but it is useful and bearable when it is hidden , if it has made open will it help society? No. Another thing which is important that by explaining bad to people we can't stop that bad thing but by preaching the good among people will increase the good among them.

I know i can not change it by writing a blog but what i can do i will try to do.In addition to the media another problems that i have seen in society make the people feel bad , sad or depressed.This post will involve some of them.One of the most important thing which makes people unhappy is Blaming.Everybody makes mistake.Do not blame any one take responsibility when things go wrong instead of blaming others because then you focus on doing things better or smarter next time. And when you get better or smarter, you also get happier.

The most important reason for sadness is Dwelling.I know the past is important but can we change that? No.The past is just a lesson it doesn't define you. Think about what went wrong, but only in terms of how you will make sure that, next time, you and the people around you will know how to make sure it goes right.I will make you happier.

Third thing is stop fearing, fear of losing a friend , relationship , position or any other thing.Be attacking in your approach.Do your best and then hope for the best , if one rose has hurt you then it does not mean that every rose will hurt you , yes it is right to think that every rose has thorn but when you learn how to hold rose it will never hurt you again.

Stop impressing people just be yourself ,No one likes you for your clothes, your car, your possessions, your title, or your accomplishments. Those are all "things." People may like your things—but that doesn't mean they like you. A relationship that is not based on substance is not a real relationship.Genuine relationships make you happier, and you'll only form genuine relationships when you stop trying to impress and start trying to just be yourself.Another mistake that most of the people make is Whining .Your words have power, especially over you. Whining about your problems makes you feel worse, not better. If something is wrong, don't waste time complaining. Put that effort into making the situation better. Unless you want to whine about it forever, eventually you'll have to do that. So why waste time? Fix it now.Don't talk about what's wrong. Talk about how you'll make things better.

People also get very sad when they try to over control the things.Plus, control is short term at best, because it often requires force, or fear, or authority, or some form of pressure—none of those let you feel good about yourself. Find people who want to go where you're going. They'll work harder, have more fun, and create better business and personal relationships. And all of you will be happier. sometimes you have to make others feel free to feel free yourself.

So, try to follow these suggestions and see the difference in you, believe me it will work.Therefore , don't worry and Be happy and when see any problem say "HO JAYE GA"( It will be over).If you want me to be happy , leave comments. :D

Thank you


  1. very motivating :)

  2. Ho jaye ga .. Hahaha :D
    Some questions! We can move forward by believing that our past doesn't define us. But reality is that people do judge us on the basis if our past . When people around you constant jugde you by your past how longer can you believe that your past doesn't define you?
    How can we stop expecting ? How can we overcome fear of loosing someone? When we built a realationship we automatically starts expecting . Will you start a relationship when you already know that you'll loose that person ? Or can you start a relationship by keeping that in your mind ? When you keep tht in your mind you can never get close.
    And how to find people who wants to go where we are going?

    1. Lots of questions Somal...:D
      There are not many people who know our past, they are few if they are judging you then don't worry but we should not judge ourselves according to past.Like how many of the people in the world know my past ? few of them, what defines me is what i am now.
      Now expections....I always follow and teach everybody to follow the words of Quaid e Azam "Hope for the best but be ready for the worst", i agree that to start a relationship the most important thing is trust, so trust them but always remember they are human too they can betray and if you feel the person does not trust you never try to be with them.
      In order to overcome the fear of loosing ...don't fear always believe that if the person is in your destiny then you will not loose him/her but if they are not in your destiny you will never get them.
      Hope this answer your questions...

  3. good writing but i think those like me cant change..but keep it up..others may be benefited

    1. Thank you +maryam turk but you can bring change to yourself....

  4. may be,,dnt know,,if everything get ok may be than.

  5. Thank you SO much for answers !

  6. great post i like it......its very difficult to forget own past ..i don,t know why i can not do...specially i don,t close to anyone..when i close to someone at the end he/she show lot of attitute...i don,t know why mostly people show this type of things...

  7. Beautiful Muhammad! Really inspiring...& it made me smile...a lot. Thank you for sharing this. I will share with my friends.

  8. Great Sir, very motivating for the people.

  9. Brother good writing... some spark is missing. .. good work


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