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Let's Play Some Politics

In today’s world everybody refers Politics as the bad element of society; that is not correct. I know that the politicians are using the politics badly or for the bad but politics it’s self is very good and need of everybody. As i define , Politics is the method or approach to make the people work for the betterment of ourselves and for themselves. I am not discussing the politics related to make a place in the government, i am discussing the politics among people. Some can say what i am going to speak is the management but let’s refer this as Good Politics. If you are a leader, Captain, Teacher, member of a team , father , mother , mentor or just a person you must have to deal with the variety of people. Sometimes you have to take work from them or sometimes work with them. So the points i am sharing with you , will help you to make them work for their and your betterment.

1.      Use the person’s name, or their title :This will work with the psychology, when you call the person’s name, also greet them with their name it will make a nice impact of them. The people will feel good about their self esteem. Everybody loves that the person gives them the importance remember their name. As a teacher, i always remember the name of the student and always call with their name and i see good effects. Sometimes names are not important and you have to call with the title like Boss, Teacher, Principal, etc.So understand where to use name and where to use title.
Call by the name

2.      Do not correct the people when they are wrong:If you encounter an argument, then it is not necessary to correct the person at that time.First listen and try to understand their part and why they feel so.If you are a team leader and you see the member of team is wrong then do not correct in front of everybody, if student is making the same mistake do not correct immediately, if friend is speaking or doing wrong with any one do not correct at that time.It is because at that time the person do not listen and understand , after the rush of blood decreases the mind works well so then you can correct them and believe me they will listen and also try to correct them alone rather than in the crowd.

Keep quite

3.      Mirror their behaviour. Mirroring is also known as mimicry, and is something that some people do naturally.Try to blend with the group.If you are a father or mother try to blend with your children and then make them work according to you but as a friend.I always believes when the teacher talks with the students about their interest and what they like to talk then it will make them work out better,but know your limits.Use the most words they use, try to talk like them it will feel them that they are not dealing with someone stranger rather they will feel a convenience and then you can bring the best out of them.This also includes mirroring the body language( standing , sitting style, etc).

Mirroring the style

4.      Ask for favours when someone is tired: When someone is tired they are more susceptible to everything someone may say, whether it is a statement or a request. The reason for this is that when people are tired it isn’t just their physical body, their mental energy levels drop as well. As a teacher if you ask your students to do something at the last of period they will say that they are tired but they will say that they will do it tomorrow .So what you want them to do they will do.As a team leader or boss ask your employee or member at the end of day then they will promise to do the work next day.

Immediately ask a favour

5.       Get someone to do a favour for you: If someone does a favour for you, they are likely to rationalize that you must have been worth doing the favour for, and decide that therefore they must like you.So if you feel that someone does not like you then say “Do me a favour” and then smile.The person will feel better about you and will favour you. Like sometimes when i want to gel with the students i ask them like i do not know something and the student has that knowledge. Like ask the calculation with the student who is good at maths, like ask them the problems related to cell phone or facebook , this will make them feel good and proud and then they will be susceptible to do the work you want.

Benjamin franklin effect


  1. Agree. It's the politicians that ruin politics. 

  2. smiling big time.. LOL and laughing .... have a great day

  3. obama, you are always right, i know i am always right too, so could i do you a favor and suggest maybe we should let others lead for awhile so we don't hurt their feelings - and could you do me a favor and say yes. thank you so much obama - i really appreciate all you do for us and i'm sure you will be rewarded in kind.

  4. 2: Unless you are a copilot, a teacher, a radar operator, an accountant, talking to a nutter who has influence or a button...pretty much anyone you respect actually.
    3: If you mirror them and inturn they try to mirror you...insincerity two faced melt down occurs! A smart person sees straight through being mirrored and finds it offensive.

    1. +Ian Meredith Yes for all the psychological tricks, there are some limits.

  5. I have used some of these in the past and know the effects that follows....


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