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Let's Play Some More Politics

Continued from Let's Play Some Politics

6. Ask for way more than you want at first then scale it back later:If you want a specific work from the person then first ask him/her a work that is much more difficult than the desired work.Remember aim high so that the person reject your request.Now it’s the time to counter back, now ask a relatively easier work , the work that was actually desired.Now the person will feel bad after rejecting the first request so he/she will consider and agree the work you wanted.
For example, a teacher can ask the students to solve 10 questions in an assignment, the students will try to reject so now you can ask for 8 questions that was actually your goal.This time students will agree.Same as the boss or captain can ask the team members to report at 8 A.M , the members will reject , now ask them to come at 9 A.M and that was the actual time you wanted everybody to come.So, aim higher than your goal.
Aim high on start

7. Flattery will actually get you everywhere:It is very simple way to get attention and favour from the people.This can include , giving compliments on the dress, way of talking, praising previous work or praising any quality of the person.But if this trick is not used sensibly then it has more bad effects than good. So if you flatter someone who has high self esteem, and it is seen as sincere, they will like you more, as you are validating how they feel about themselves. However, if you flatter someone who has low self esteem, there is a chance it could backfire and cause them to like you less, because it interferes with how they perceive themselves. That, of course, does not mean you should demean a person of low self-esteem.        
Lets do some flattering

8. Start with a request they can’t refuse and work your way up:This is the reverse of the 6th trick ,instead of starting with the difficult task you can ask the person a relatively easier task and when that task is done you can ask a more difficult task.If a person has already agreed to help you then he will continue the task and will do the actual task you wanted.
Like as a coach, if you want somebody to train for 2 hours then first ask for one hour then later ask one more hour so the person will agree.Like as a mother, if you want your children to help you in doing house work then first ask the child to clean a small area and then after completion of task ,ask a bigger area to be cleaned.

Offer you can't refuse

9. Paraphrase people and repeat back to them what they just said: I saw Dr. Zakir Naik doing this every time anybody ask question from him that he repeats the question.This shows to the person that he is listening carefully and give them the respect.Now the person is more likely to give respect back.Studies have shown that when therapists used reflective listening, people were likely to disclose more emotion and have a much better therapeutic relationship with the therapist.
Like as a teacher, repeat the question your student asked you, or in giving business presentations repeat the stuff back, in a relationship try to repeat the stuff back so that can give the message that you care and then you will receive that too.But do not bore the person by repeating again and again.

Repeat the stuff

10. Nod a lot while you talk, especially when leading up to asking for a favour: When we nod our face in agreement (up and down) then this will affect the person we are in the conversation and then automatically he/she will agree with you.So if you want to be extra convincing, nod regularly throughout the conversation. The person you are talking to will find it hard not to nod themselves, and they will start to feel agreeable toward what you are saying, without even knowing it.But nodding can have the reverse effect when it is done extra aggressively so be firm.

Nod your head

Hope you apply these tricks and see good effects. If it works then do not forget to comment and if doesn’t then again don not forget to comment.

Have a good day.


  1. Good post!
    Number 1,3,5,8 and 9 worked. 6 never worked for me. And don't know how to use 7, every person respond to trick 7 differently.

  2. Five tricks worked!! that is good but keep trying 6 it will work sooner or later and yes trick number 7 is applied differently , like in case of girl or woman flattery involves the praise of beauty while for others it is different but try to find how the person react for different things.Finally it will work.

  3. Almost every other person thinks that he/she is not good. So even if I give them a genuine compliment they do not respond as they should.

    1. Yes , it is like that but as every human has some of the qualities then if we want favour from them then limited flattery can work.

  4. Great tricks! 1,4,7,9,10 tricks work 4 me but others tricks have no idea....but i will try to understand.

    1. Yes, tricks are great and it's good to use them for the good.

  5. Yes,i will use them in our life 4 best goal..


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