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The Name Plate of ALLAH one the weakest emotional feeling. When i say that i have a strong explanation to it.I see people saying or sometimes shouting that my country is everything to me , it is my motherland , some says their country is their mother and this list goes on. Now if i ask them their feeling about their country after a bad period of time on their country and sure the sentences will change, I mean after severe terrorism, economic break down or any natural disaster the people start to leave their country not thinking that for a moment before it was their mother. May be it is a bigger must have seen people leaving their country for money and job, it is a common practice, so where is the patriotism nowadays? After knowing all these points and facts , people often ask me that how my patriotism is different from others.

Precisely there are 196 countries in the whole world.Some big and some small , some beautiful and some not so beautiful, some developed and some under developed but what makes me curious about studying history of world is that “ Why the particular country was created?”As i studied some countries are created for better economy, for a particular language speaking people, for having rights of a nation, for a specific colour , for a specific system ( like democracy e.t.c.) and etc.I explain this thing that for example when a house is built for a particular family so they have their name plate on their house just like that when a country is created they hang the name plate on their country which reflects the reason for their countries’ creation. My Country Pakistan is the world’s only second idealogical state ( but according to me it is the only because i don’t agree with the formation of Israel and nor my country agree with that).The Pakistan was created not for a colour, not for a language, not for a particular group of people...... It was created in the Name of Allah and Prophet Muhamad S.A.W. so my country has the name plate of Allah and Muhammad S.A.W on it.Some people will disagree with me saying that there are many other Muslim state in the world and i reply them that they are not created for the System of Islam they were created for specific people or nation.For Example Saudia Arabia is not the Arabia of Muhammad S.A.W. or Arabia of Allah it is the Arabia of Suadia(name after King Saud) so after changing the name of their country that make it prominent for the Saudi’s not Muslims. The most important thing which raises the patriotism in me is that my country belongs to Allah and Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.

For the same love that i have with my country Allama Muhammad Asad left his country and a respected job just to struggle for a country of Allah and Prophet Muhammad S.A.W , Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah left the high society and set his Salary of 1 Pakistani Rupee .At that time the patriotism for my county is very much bigger than any other emotional feeling.But now as i see in the world everybody is searching for benefit from everyone.Today love is only related with the benefit.If some body is useful for me or give me any benefit then he/she will be the best and i will love him/her , this is the normal thinking of a person.Same as in the case of Pakistan that is Pakistan can give me benefit then i love Pakistan otherwise Pakistan is this and Pakistan is that.Why cann’t people understand that the Love is what we give not what we want in return.If you are not having anything from Pakistan then think for a second that what you have given to Pakistan.Then think for another second that in how many ways you have hurt or still hurting Pakistan? This is the time to think my Friend.Dont Forget what Allah Subhan a watallah said in Surah Ibrahim Verse number 7

"and remember that your Lord has warned you before that if you will become thankful then I will give you more but if you will be un thankful then My punishment is very hard.”

This state is a blessing of Allah so take care of it and be thankful otherwise see the  punishment to the people who have tried to break this country , see what happens to both the families responsible for the creation of Bangladesh.

Long Live Pakistan.........Happy Independence Day.


  1. very good thinking sir , iska matlab to ye hua ke hamen ksi se darne ki zarurat nahi hai q k hum ne apne ghar yani ke Pakistan per Allah ke naam ki takhti lga rakhi.....sochne ki baat hai k hamen ab dar ksi baat ka hai?

  2. Thank you Sir, 90 % Pakistani do not think like that they want to change the name plate of Pakistan and they want to prove that Pakistan was created in order to strengthen the democracy and all of the politicians today are working for that and that is why we all are suffering.
    We should start to think about the real reason for the creation of Pakistan.

  3. Long Live Pakistan !!!


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