Following are the qualities which i learnt from the best teacher of all time .If you develop these qualities in you then you can teach anybody ...anything have a look.
1.sincerity of intention
2.teacher student relation ship
3.practice what you teach
4.earn a position of respect the best of manners always
6.feel your responsibility
7.make the learners feel welcome with students as if pleasant and cheerful gentle and kind
12.always speak clearly not tire students
14.teach the easily acceptable
15.first the easy then the difficult
16.making matters easy for students
17.breakdown into easier goals
18.interactive teaching
19.teaching by demonstration
20.similes and examples
21.story telling
22.use body language to emphasize
23.illustrations and diagrams
24.illustrate with hand gestures
25.exhibit items
26.let people take notes
27.encourage students to ask
28.answer calmly
29.maintain your composure
30.students have a right to ask for further explanation
31.encourage the use of their intellect
32.give equal attention to all
33.repeat to make sure you are understood
34.confirm a student's knowledge and praise their answer
35.train your deputies
36.encourage other students to answer
37.empowering the students
38.turn the attention of the questioner to a more important issue
39.emphasize the importance of your answer
40.ask for the question to be repeated so that a full reply may be given
41.give people more than they ask sometimes
42.doesn't matter if you are a bit inconvenienced
43.evaluate comprehension after lesson
44.ensure learning outcomes
45.appreciate all that is good yet point out the superior
46.don't criticize directly
47.correcting mistakes
48.rules may be relaxed sometimes
49.some rules may not apply to everyone
50.special time for special need
51.grab teaching opportunities
52.sometimes don't teach
54.using subtle preliminary when teaching intimate matters harm in interrupting a speech for an individual
56.give people private time interest in the children's hobbies
58.positive thinking affection
60.bring out the good ignore the bad open to suggestions amiable to new ideas
63.seeking advice from students
64.don't take undue credit
65.don't expect services and gifts from students
66.restrain your anger
67.anger and reprimand when the situation demands it
68.punishments fair and unbiased when giving punishments
70.don't punish the ignorant
71.don't punish beyond what has been done
72.affection even during punishment
Who is the Best rather i would say Great Teacher of all time.......Click here to see the detailed explanation
1.sincerity of intention
2.teacher student relation ship
3.practice what you teach
4.earn a position of respect the best of manners always
6.feel your responsibility
7.make the learners feel welcome with students as if pleasant and cheerful gentle and kind
12.always speak clearly not tire students
14.teach the easily acceptable
15.first the easy then the difficult
16.making matters easy for students
17.breakdown into easier goals
18.interactive teaching
19.teaching by demonstration
20.similes and examples
21.story telling
22.use body language to emphasize
23.illustrations and diagrams
24.illustrate with hand gestures
25.exhibit items
26.let people take notes
27.encourage students to ask
28.answer calmly
29.maintain your composure
30.students have a right to ask for further explanation
31.encourage the use of their intellect
32.give equal attention to all
33.repeat to make sure you are understood
34.confirm a student's knowledge and praise their answer
35.train your deputies
36.encourage other students to answer
37.empowering the students

39.emphasize the importance of your answer
40.ask for the question to be repeated so that a full reply may be given
41.give people more than they ask sometimes
42.doesn't matter if you are a bit inconvenienced
43.evaluate comprehension after lesson
44.ensure learning outcomes
45.appreciate all that is good yet point out the superior
46.don't criticize directly
47.correcting mistakes
48.rules may be relaxed sometimes
49.some rules may not apply to everyone
50.special time for special need
51.grab teaching opportunities
52.sometimes don't teach
54.using subtle preliminary when teaching intimate matters harm in interrupting a speech for an individual
56.give people private time interest in the children's hobbies
58.positive thinking affection
60.bring out the good ignore the bad open to suggestions amiable to new ideas
63.seeking advice from students
64.don't take undue credit
65.don't expect services and gifts from students
66.restrain your anger
67.anger and reprimand when the situation demands it
68.punishments fair and unbiased when giving punishments
70.don't punish the ignorant
71.don't punish beyond what has been done
72.affection even during punishment
Who is the Best rather i would say Great Teacher of all time.......Click here to see the detailed explanation
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