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They Will Die Hungry

It is a common business method that if you want your business to flourish then you should make people realise that they need your goods or services,in this way if you increase the demand of your product or service then automatically you will increase the supply and then your earning and profit will reach the sky.In today's world you can see the industries are applying this method everywhere.For example many software companies creates a virus and spread in the market and then they launch an Anti virus ,which can cop with the virus they have created earlier because other companies will take time to create the particular anti virus and the company which created the virus must know the method of destroying that.There are many examples of these methods in society today you can observe that.

Arms industry is one the top three industries of the world when it comes to goods making or profit making.I got some statistics of Arms companies in the world but they are from 2004 to 2011 but a sensible person can co relate these statistics and can find the same trend in 2012.From 2004 to 2011, in any given year, most arms transfers to developing nations were made by two or three major suppliers. The United States ranked first among these suppliers for five of the eight years of this period, notably the last five. Russia has been a strong competitor for the lead in arms transfer agreements with developing nations, ranking first every year from 2004 through 2006, and second every year since. Although Russia has lacked the larger traditional client base for armaments held by the United States and the major West European suppliers, it has been a major source of weaponry for a few key purchasers in the developing world. Russia’s most significant high-value arms transfer agreements continue to be with India. Russia has also had some success in concluding arms agreements with clients in the Near East and in Southeast Asia.

Which reveals that United States earned 63,593 billion $ which makes 50.70% arms supply in the world.Where the total earned billion dollars by arms supply was 206,093 billion dollars.Now when we look that who is buying these arms then we observe that Saudi Arabia ranked number 1 and they spent 24,800 billion dollars , India ranked second and they spent 18,200 billion $ and Pakistan ranked 5th (thanks to War against terrorism) in which we spent 9,800 billion dollars which makes 9800 Kharab pakistani rupees.I wish it should have been spent on the welfare of our society ,on health , on education but it is the bitter truth that we wasted our money there.Look at the picture and see who is disturbing the peace of world and which countries are destroying their own peace.

Lest you think Israel and India might be skewing the figures: Those two countries account for $31.1 billion and $1.5 billion, respectively, of the total $230 billion in arms sales in the super-region. Which leaves $198 billion for the remaining collection of monarchies, despot isms and nominal democracies. 

Now why i collected and publish this statistics?People often asked me or complain that in the last i don't make a statement.But the reason to write this article is to make the people of aware that buying arms is not a solution because if you can buy arms then your enemy can also.In today's world case the enemy it's self is supplying the arms like the cases i mentioned in the start of the article ,these companies first create the need of arms and then earn by the supply of arms.Remember my friend that Arm trade is equal to the death trade.So promise yourself that not to but the arms and condemn when your country waste money on Arms import instead of welfare.They want us to fight so that they can earn from us,they sell arms to India ,they sell arms to Pakistan and both fight ,which makes their economy struggle and makes the economy of their common enemy strong.

So my friends , I want you to inform that "If you start loving the peace then the people who make arms.....they will die hungry".Hope you strive for the peace not for war.


  1. Arms dealers are like drug dealers. The suppliers must be stopped. The sellers of arms and the buyers of arms mutually engage in an obscene, corrupt and violent trade.

    Feel your outrage. Protest

  2. Arms are dangerous and they should be stopped but this article lacks the refrences that from where you have picked up the statistics of Worldwide arm export and import.

  3. Muslims countries are wasting their money on these arms ...shame on them, we should spread the true essence of Peace.

  4. @ Abhishek
    Yes as a responsible citizen we should protest on that .By protest i don't mean that blocking road or burning tyre , by that i mean a peaceful protest because violence will begin violence and violence encourages the Arms.So we should protest.

  5. @ Anonymous
    Thank you but i will be more happy if you have written your name are the refrences

  6. @ Jahanzeb yes we should spread peace and the money we are wasting on arms should be used for health and education purpose.

  7. That is so sad ,we are spending a lot of money on arms imports and those countries who are exporting the arms are the biggest enemy of humanity.

  8. Thank you for the information Sir,we must discourage the use of arms.

  9. the arms imports and arms exports for Pakistan do not make sense I think we need to double stop it.


  10. This spending was inevitable for the future spending of our resources on health and education.

  11. Sad but true

  12. Thats the fantacy which everyone wants to follow but sadly that is not practically possible.... conutries have to arm theirselves to mantain the balance of power.....other wise u will be finished before the start....heroshima n nagasaki r the examples.... peace cannot be achieved on onsided efforts.... no doubt trade of arms is trade of death.... they creat war to run their business... but fact is they will not die hungry unless n untill ur enemy will... we must reduce hate level worldwide ..

  13. Yes it is practically very difficult in this system.But a person like me who always watch the dream of the perfect world always debate on the negative use of arms,but my point of view is that the arm used for defense is important but if we buy excessive arms for a war which is created by the country who is selling arm, should be stopped.

  14. Yes. I agree...but their technic fine n accurate that no one could even resist to .....first they put the weapon on the board... then they cash it.... when they have got enough ...they put the anti such weapon on board.... again they cashed it until the new one arrived.... cycle goes on n on... n for the sake of defence we r forced to move on this cycle.... I hope oneday this chain will get dissolved n ur dream will come true...inshAllah ..


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