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Exam Season .....Get Set Go!

Exam season in on , students are preparing for their exams.Many students have problem facing the exams , but remember my friend exams can be your friend it's just the matter of method you are adopting for the exam.Forget that you are a good student or bad student just focus , study and follow the rules i am writing here for you and see the difference in your results.

It difficult but you have to do it first of all cultivate a keen interest in your subject by thinking about your reasons for studying it,by relating the material to your own life and by visualising yourself achieving your purpose.Many students don't score in a particular subject by thinking that it is not interested or it is boring,but remember every subject it there to give you something.Secondly make notes on the content of what you read or hear.Either write a summary in continuous prose and develop an outline with lettered and /or numbered headings and subheadings, the students only looking for notes provided by Coaching centres(see about most of the coaching centres) can not score big in the exam and when you learn that notes follow the following rules.

a. make an effort to understand the material because without an effort nothing is possible.
Stop this attitude while preparation 

b. Study little at a time at fairy frequent intervals rather than for a long stretches at less frequent intervals.This will make your mind a bit relax so it can store the data for a longer period of time.

c. Instead of reading and re reading , read and then try to recall.Use P to V formula for that

 Preview your material to get a general idea of what it is about.
Question yourself on points which you want your reading to answer.
 Read and make sure that you understand. Summarize the material in either or both of the note forms suggested  above.  
Test yourself on it or ask your brother, sister or friend to make a test for you.
 Use what you have learnt by discussing it with your family or friends.
Visualize the ideas in your mind's eye

d.Over learn your material i.e. until you know it really well rather than just barely.

f. Revise as soon as possible after learning.

g. Use the same study place each time.Because your mind and body is used to that, then it is easy to learn and memorise.

h. Lightly brace yourself( but not too much) as much as you work.

i.Tell yourself that you can succeed,this will make a statement for your subconscious mind and finally it will help to do so.

j.Practise answering questions set in previous papers but don't think that these are the only questions to study.

Revise during your course
as well as at the end of it, most of the students study near exams and then in a hurry they understand nothing.Now when you start the exam confront the paper with right mental attitude of confidence(see also How to boost confidence).Read it carefully .Follow the examiner 's instructions.Say to yourself:'what is he asking for?'having decided ,give it to him.Present your answers methodically,legibly , clearly and relevantly.keep an eye on the clock.Leave yourself a little time at the end. Answer essay type exams from a course outline carried in your head.Select the headings and material for your answer,organising them intelligently and systematically.Write concisely.Keep your outline flexible enough to allow the inclusion of ideas that occur to you while you are writing .If you run short of time,put down the rest of your ideas in summary form.Then press on with the next question.

Pay particular attention to the opening and closing paragraph of your answer because it has been observed that most of the examiners reads the opening of paragraph and can sense that is the student writing right or not, and then he reads the closing so make them clear.See if you can use one part of paper to help you in answering another this will not only help you in answering but it will also show your awareness and confidence in front of examiner.Now Now last but not the least make sure that you have right tools with you in the examination room because in Maths and Physics examination if you forget to bring calculator or in biology you forget pencil or eraser then it will disturb your time distribution or may be if examiner not allow you to borrow it from someone you will not be able to answer correctly and completely.

It was intended to provide you correct information for the preparation of exam, i hope it will help you.

Thank you.


  1. Very helpfull Sir, surely i will follow them.


  2. I really like that

  3. ʍɨȿɦą ąɦʍąd ƙɦąɲ15 April 2013 at 12:16

    Pak me blast se Bach Jao t exams mar detay hai.... :p

  4. I study in HK n currently going through my final exams n i must its not an easy task......It's tough...way tough thn u can imagine!!

  5. Parhai kay waqt sirf parhai, ipod, facebook sub band. In sub cheezon say bht distraction hoti hai and i think majority student aysa hi karty hain.
    Just text book tak limited na rahain, internet, dosri books say b refer karlena chahiye, bohot dafa dosri jaga bohot ziada easy likha hota hai jo aram say sumjh ajata hai aur yad krna b asan hota hai.

  6. Nice post as always..... :)

  7. @ Amir , Bob and Suzain Thank you very much i hope these techniques will help you.

  8. @ Misha
    Actually wo tarika jis se exams liye jate hain wo itna purana or khrab hai ke students isa he sochte hain ke un ke sath zulm ho raha hai.

  9. @ Yousuf Zab
    I know my friend that exams are not always easy but believe me these techniques can improve your learning and some what your work will cut off.

  10. @ sundus
    Haan sahi hai , ek book kafi nahi hoti refrence books bhi dekh leni chahiye.

  11. Noreen Siddique
    Nice artical.....but sir lot of prayer for me i am passing very very difficult time

  12. @ Noreen

    Thank you and inshaAllah you will clear the exam with good grade.

  13. Thanks for the tips!


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