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Injustice is "only" with me....

When America entered his army in Afghanistan ,the biggest protest was held just after one day in England where all Muslims , Christians and other people gathered together to record a protest against the evil act of America.Including that protest many protest were held in America also.This shows that people of England  are true human.As My beloved prophet Muhammad S.A.W said that "if you see something wrong going in front of you then stop it by your hand ,if you are strong other wise stop it with your speech and if you are weak then condemn that in your heart and this is the smallest level of Believe in Allah."So if people of England tried to stop something bad by their speech then they are better then the people of my country.
In my country i see that the one who faces the injustice and cruelty only starts the protest and the rest of the population do not take interest in that protest because they are not suffering from that.

When Abbas Town of Karachi faced one the worst terrorist attack of Pakistan history hundreds of houses were effected by them , 50 people  died and many shops were burned but the protest were held by only the community effected by the bomb blasts that is "Shia" community,the same story was when hundreds of
people were killed in Quetta.
Fire in Abbas town after Twin Bomb Attacks

When the target killing of Religious scholars took a peak in Karachi the only people helding the protest were "Sunni" people and no one else noticed that cruelty .
Sunni Tehrek Protest agianst Scholars Killing
When an idiot Zulfiqar Mirza said bad about "Muhajirs"(Refugees as they call) rather i would say abused the Muhajirs everyone was quiet and the only heatbroken people were Muhajirs.When in Baluchistan the Baluchis are facing target killing and agencies' cruelty every one is quiet and only unhappy are Baluchis.Now Christian community of Pakistan faced injustice when fire burnt their everything ,the only unhappy people are Christian and every other community is happy in their home the only Political parties are going is point scoring or giving formality statements.
Badami Bagh in Fire

The best thing would have been that when a community faced the difficulty all other communities fight for them and the innocent people should be at their homes.This is my dream that Pakistan has to be a Nation where every people stands for the other.But the divide and rule formula of British East India company is now adopted by the Political parties of Pakistan. They are now diving us in Languages, Sects and religions.Before the 2013 Elections of Pakistan the political parties are divding us and making their Points by making sympathies with the innocent community.I am not saying that the protests are bad but believe me these types of protest can give you the short term success otherwise after some time they should be ready to face that injustice again.

The best way is told by Quran that when you talk to  Ahle Kitaab (the person who belongs to book, includes different sects and Christians) ask them to come to the things which are common between you.As Quran is the solution for all humanity it offers a great way to success that we have to come to a common point if it is the filed of religion or society.I say that we we should arrange protest for the common causes faced by the people of Pakistan, that are
1. Corruption
2. Loadshedding
3.Un employment
4. Injustice
5. Illiteracy

These are the common problems face by Pakistanis so why should not arrange protest for these causes.But the political parties never allow the protest for these causes , they only allow the community protest because they can not be strong like the common protest done the every common people of Pakistan.For example in 2006 when the loadshedding got worse in Pakistan,there was a protest in Khokhrapar to stop Loadshedding in which Sindhi, Muhajir , Hindu ,Shia , Sunni took part irrespective of their religion, colour or language ,M.Q.M's delegation came there are promised to stop the loadshedding but it was just to disperse the poeple after two days it all started again , the load shedding for 3 hours per day.When people integrates for common causes these political delegations stops them.

So my dear countrymen stop thinking that I am the only innocent and start thinking that every person who faces injustice and cruelty is innocent....stand for each other because even animal also cries and shouts when he get pain but the human is the one who feels the other person's grief and pain.

Allah please forgive me if i made mistake in translating the Quran and Hadees.


  1. Yes you said rightly and also want to add that these protests only disturbs other people and they have no effect on the politicians or on any minister, they best way to record a protest there are press clubs where you can record your protest.This will help the cause otherwise tire burning and breaking the booth of Metro buses stops the real spirit of cause.

  2. So if a community faces something bad then what is the alternative of the protest?we know it is bad but how to tell the world that something has done bad with us?

  3. First of all i want to condemn all bomb blasts in Pakistan , no such religion allows these types of acts-further i want to say that its a high time for people to identify that these bombing are done by agencies working in Pakistan because it is impossible for a person or an organization to carry 1000 kilos of chemical, plz think about it.

  4. @ Shahid Yes, press clubs can be a good idea if you want to protest but i recommened protest only for common purpose otherwise it has no value.

  5. @ anonymous finding the real culprit of the bad act is better then the protests but peaceful protest can be done inorder to tell everybody about the bad happening.

  6. @ Tasleem ,yes thats the point i wanted to make by this post that you should identify the real cause and the person behind these bombings or fire in Pakistan

  7. Sir Ap logon ko sahi rasta dikha rahe hain Allah ap ki madad kare....Ameen

  8. Well , what I think is that a protest does not have better effect untill and unless it has a solid strategy of cause as it's backbone .That solid strategy is made by a leader . Before Pakistan's creation , many protests and demonstrations were held for Muslim's rights but nothing worked out untill The Quaid's strategy led them .. We lack that leadership right now , so it's better to protest peaacefully rather than ruining the already demolishing economy of our country . The least we can do is condemn the injustice and discrimination of cast and sects .. The only hope we have is peace ....

  9. @ A.M.Younus
    Yes i completely agree with you that every change depends on the leader and as we see in our society there is no one to lead us in that way as Quaid e Azam did .


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