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The Rotten System: It Stinks !!!

The top most problem for today's world is Capitalism because today every thing in your society is just to give something to the Capitalist system.Take your shopping list before fifty years from today and you will see that a 70% t least things you buy today was not in your shopping list that time.You didn't use shampoo,you didn't use carbonated drinks on your dining table instead you use water only.The problem with capitalism is that capitalism wants uniformity of cultures.Why? because unless from Sydney to Hawaii, same type of burger is not eaten,same type of chicken is not eaten, same type of jeans is not bought,same type of pizza is not eaten and same type of life style is not lived then the capitalist system will not flourish.Once upon a time Karachi i ate burger with 10 Rs,now it is of 20 Rs so why any one will eat the same burger of Rs. 175 from KFC if he will not have the same life style.We bought Jeans of Rs.100 some time back, now we buy it on Rs.500 so why anyone will buy same jeans or dress pant with brand name without having uniformity of culture? Nobody will buy them.

The Capatalist system's working ....big industries eating small one
Another thing which we have after uniformity of culture that we will have the same Heroes, i will read the Caesar, you will read the Caesar, a child from New york will read the same Caesar, i will read the Shakespeare stories, he will read the same.This is how uniform heroes are built for everyone.Thirdly the uniform celebrations are built.For example unless i will celebrate the Father's day, valentine's day, mothers day that system will not milk money from us.I am not against the uniformity, if it is for the blessings of mankind but if it is for the destruction and fooling of people then it should be stopped.My mother use to make me a bread and i eat that which have best of the tastes and it just cost 2 to 3 Rs maximum but if today i eat Pizza of Rs.750 which does not have the same good taste then this uniformity of culture is making me fool and destroying my wealth.So to make the uniformity of culture you will see that four years ago the 97 % of media was the property of almost 115 companies and today the 97% of media is the property of just 3 which 38% of media belongs to Walt Disney.They buy the media just to speak the same language from every channel and due to all this uni formative culture your freedom is attacked.

For example everybody thinks that Hijab is the religious problem but as always i have a different theory to it.I feel it is a economic problem.Why? see the volume of Fashion Industry,the 78 Billion dollars industry,only on the hairs you see that there are 350 types of shampoos in the world.For straight hair, for curly hair,for different colours, from head hairs to the nail of toe i am very shameful to say that for every part of Women's body is in the advertisement today.So a women who keep the Hijab kick off the products of Fashion industry.Every year in France they arrange parades and fashion shows with different types of veil having diamonds on them as they are for the exposure they never mind that but if a women does it without any exposure they condemn that.Only before Aishwarya Rai's making of Miss world there were only 5 Plastic surgeons in India and today there are 3500 Plastic surgeons in India in which the least fee is 5000 of botox injection to cure the wrinkles.So the capitalism spreads itself.When i was young and was in school,the teachers advice us to be wise like Hazrat Abu Bakr,justice and dedicated like Hazrat Umar,do charity like Hazrat Usman Ghani and be educated like Hazrat Ali but today we have only the uni formative heroes those who increases the Capitalist system.for example Father's day is celebrated in remembrance of a person whose wife died but he didn't marry again because of his three daughters.I think in every area of Pakistan we can see many people like that.

Most important point that this system does not want peace in the world, because once the world have the peace the Arms industry of this Capitalist system will be bankrupt.This industry is the biggest industry of the world so General company of America that is the biggest among the Arm's industry want us to fight.California will not be able to pay tax if today every country has peace.Many more points can be added to the article which will be described next time i write on this subject.

May God bless us and may the smell of this rotten system will vanish soon.



  1. Under capitalism, humanity has developed the means of production and technology to previously unimaginable heights. However, the right of any socio-economic system to continue to exist depends on its ability to develop the productive forces and consistently increase the standard of living of the majority. Capitalism can no longer achieve this. Its best days are behind it and there are only bad days ahead.

    1. Cent perfect agree with you my friend,this world can not hold capitalism anymore

  2. I've always kind of looked at capitalism as a mask word to hide the word greed. I think that kind of puts it into perspective as a negative and many more points.Keep writing these kinds of great article son.

    1. Thank you Jason,its very encouraging for me when people like you appreciates

  3. Very good article sir, you have explained the problem very beautifully.

  4. But whats the point man?? i mean if capitalism is rotten but the communism or socialism has also failed then what next???

  5. f we have to live in a system controlled by money then it should be distributed far more evenly so that the top one percent do not own forty percent of the economy. What can they possibly do with that amount of money except tighten their grip on ultimate total control?
    The whole rule book wants ripping up and rewriting. Capitalism is outdated and no longer works. I'm not sure it ever did.

  6. @ Anonymous ...Something that facilitates the people and make the world Peaceful

  7. @ Amir yes the evenly distributed money will make the world peaceful as in Islamic system we have the concept of Insaf Justice) and (adal)Equality

  8. May Allah rub ul izat bless this country :)

  9. You have completely distorted capitalism you use misconceptions as truth. Capitalism does not force you to purchase any of the items you speak about that is your choice. Here in the United States for the last 70 years we have always kept the price down on those items you listed. why? The competitive pressures of capitalism keep prices down relative to wages. Over the last seventy years prices have gone up but wages have gone up more. Here in the U.S. people spend a smaller portion of their incomes on food, than any other country in the world this is due to the relative cheapness of food due to capitalism. Your real problem appears to be with the Americanization and more broadly the internationalization of the Pakistani economy this is due to global trade not specially to capitalism. We in America also complain about the Mexicanization of American economy and culture also China, India, Pakistan, and other countries in the long run however, the United States is richer economically and culturally because of global trade. I would suggest the same is true of Pakistan.

  10. Bonnie you seems to be very familiar with all the statistics then can you tell me please...
    How many workers dies every day in America?
    How many women has been killed since the peak of capatalist system?
    How many women are forced to prostitution due to capatalism?
    Which is the most dangerous thing which cause oestoporosis?
    What is the average income of farmer in US?
    What is the average state loan on every citizen of US?
    Why today the immunity of people of America is worse than that they had in the past?
    Why the banks in America bailing out?

  11. +Mary Jane There is nothing like sharia law in Pakistan the only law Pakistan has is the Law of Pakistan which has been accepted by 149 countries of the world.Taliban kills on the average 0.4 worker per day and the fatality deaths(due to corporatism )is 14.5 per day.Peak of Capatalism is after 1990s(every well informed person knows that).No little girl has been killed by taliban only three injured in last 12 years or so.One of the biggest gift of capatalism ,the carbonated drinks are the main cause of osteoporosis(osteo-bones , porosis-porous).Mind your statistics, 20% of Pakistanis are farmers which makes Pakistan the 10th biggest country interms of agricultural workers.If i speak with you hindi or arabic you want be able to understand atleast i am capable of understanding and writing more languages than you btw when state takes loan from world bank then it is called state loan which is 50$ per American.

  12. +Bonnie Bratt First of all ,you have not answered my questions,now let me tell you that don't say i kill .I am bigger enemy of taliban than you or +Mary Jane but the difference is that you decide them on behalf of 2.5 minute long video and i oppose thier acts which are defaming my Nation my words and my speeches are always against them,what taliban's are doing can not be justified so don't think that i support them i hate them more than you.First stop this argument vs argument and have a healthy debate on the topic as the educated people does that then we can go forward....answer my questions first.


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