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Men and Women are Equal

Although i do not believe in celebrating only  one day for specific person , relation or gender rather i firmly believe that we should respect the person, relation or gender for every moment we share together.As 8 March is celebrated as "Women's Day" all over the world including Pakistan but what i believe that the creation of God that is Women should be given respect all time not a specific day only.

Many Countries who has been so called Developed countries raise the voice for Women's Right every year this day and they arrange rallies , lectures and many things to let the people know about the Women rights.In these lectures or conferences they explain the people that being religious is being a women discriminator, that is not true .I don't know much about the other other religions but i certainly know about my religion.Islam is the first religion who introduces the equality of Gender.Yes, Islam is the first religion which says that Man and Woman are equal in the eyes of Allah.What i mean with the equality is that they are overall equal but their qualities and responsibilities are different in different fields of life.For example in a class two students scored the same total marks,let they both scored 95% but one student scored better marks in a specific subject and the other students scored better marks in the other so they are not equal in a specific subject but overall they are equal.

Similarly if we compare the man and woman ,man has a better physical strength while woman has better mental strength.According to the research on memory it is discovered that man are more genius than woman that is they pick the topic quickly but the research shows that women are more likely to do hard work while the consistency is lacking in man.In western countries also they have the laws which sometimes give more importance to man sometimes for a women,for example  in western societies being topless is allowed for man but not for woman, while in Islam we have rules and regulations for both man and woman.So if a person gives you an example saying that Islam encourages the discrimination of women so you should reply him/her by explaining the things.In Pakistan we have the laws in which Women can be a Prime minister as we has Benazir Bhutto shaheed although i am not saying that it is allowed in Islam,but in America they have the law that no woman can be a President of United States of America so which country gives women the more rights???ask yourself and decide.

The rights of women can be categorised in the following fields.

The Spiritual rights

In Islam Both man and woman have the same spiritual rights.Although some religions which I'm not writing the reference here ,do not give the same spiritual rights for women as they give for men.All men and women are same in the eyes of Allah and who will act good in world will be sent to Heaven so no difference is here.As some people have the misconception that Heaven is only for man not women that's not true , there is not a single word of Quran or saying of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) saying that man has more spiritual rights then woman.

The Economical rights

In 1870, it was the first time in England, that the West recognised the rights of the married woman, where she was allowed to own or dispose any of her property without consultation while Islam set the right of women that they can purchase and sell their property without consultation.Also the Marital Gift (Meher) is also a economical right for women that is compulsory for husband to give to his wife as soon as possible after the marriage.Also in Islam there is compulsion for husband to give daily expenses to his wife (nan nafqa) and no other society of world had these types of compulsion but now some have these laws that started in 1960's.

Another misconception about Islam is that it does not allow women to work, there is not a single saying in Quran or Hadith which stops the women to work unless it is a good job .According to me the best jobs for women are as a Doctor and as a teacher where they are not required to expose themselves,otherwise if a woman does a job without exposing her beauty then Islam has no objection and the Muslims also should not .But the House is the responsibilities of man and women is not required to use her earning in house expenses but if she want to help her husband then she can but if a husband wants her wife to earn for himself then this is prohibited in Islam.

The Social rights

All the previous civilisations, they have considered the women to be an ‘instrument of the devil’. The Qur’an refers to the women as ‘Mohsana’, that is a ‘fortress against the devil’.therefore before Islam the baby girl were buried just after their birth but Islam gives the women the right they deserve as a Mother ,as a sister, as a daughter.As Quran says that "Men and Women are each other's companion" and says that "woman is the sister of man".So Islam allows women to full fill their social needs.The only thing above respect to Mother, is the worship of God - It is mentioned in: Ch.17, Verse No.28-29.This is the real position of Women which we are not giving them.

The Educational rights

Education is the most important part of every person and especially Muslims as the first revelation says "Read",and also Muhammad S.A.W said that " Get education either you are male or female.So women should be allowed to get education they want we should not stop them unless and until the education that is against the Quran or Sunnat.Therefore i will completely support the decision of making a fixed quota in seats of Schools,Colleges and Universities for women so they can get the best of education , not for just doing the job but as they are the first teacher of their child so that should have education for the better development of their child.

The Legal rights

Women should get most the legal rights as Islam set for them.Like in western countries if you want to prove a woman immoral then one witness while in Islam you need 4 witness which stops the wrong use of the law and if any one of the witness failed in testify him/herself all witness will get the punishment. Women in USA are Not Safe In USA women were allowed to join the battle since 1901 but they were not allowed to take active part - They only played the part of a nurse. Later on after the ‘Feminist Movement’ had started in 1973, the ‘Feminist movement’ demand ed – Why aren’t women allowed to take active part in the battle field?’ So the American government allowed women to take active part in the battle field. And according to a report of the Defence Department of America, which was released on the 23rd of April, 1993 it said that, ‘90 people were sexually assaulted in a convention, out of which 83 were women and 117 officers were charged with in disciplinary action.While in Islam if there is need for a women to go to battle and if she wishes then she can and many legal rights they have in islam.

The Political rights

The women can choose their leaders , they can identify the flaws , they can take part in law making in Islam.As during the making of Law once a common lady gave the suggestions during Khilafat e Rashida.Their vote is equal to the vote of man and they can give vote with her own wish, Islam does not stop women to vote as far as the person is a Muslim( Faith full and Truthful).

The above mentioned points show that Islam has the best of Rights for women.So in the end i would like to conclude that Women and Men are equal but in different field they have the different roles which should be distinguished but the Rights mentioned above should be given to Women.

Thank You


  1. Surely, their shouldn't be specific days to praise the God's creation. If you can't respect a woman you are Nothing.
    I wish their could be a LIKE button over here. REALLY like your this blog post.

    1. Yes making specific day for a relation does not describe the importance of that relation but it makes that relation limited to that day,like button...i will try to make here.

  2. I am so happy to see a muslim who write such article in the favour of women because we have only see the muslims name as the women discrimenator, but if it is your real religion then what is the wrong with the other muslims men?

    1. I am very happy that you finally know the real face of my religion, the person who does not respect the women is not a Muslim,the respect of women is compulsory in Islam,never judge a religion by its followers but judge that by studying their books.

  3. Until the men and women work together to secure the rights and full potential of women, lasting solutions to the world's most serious social, economic and political problems are unlikely to be found.
    In recent decades, much progress has been made. On a worldwide level, women's access to education and proper health care has increased; their participation in the paid labor force has grown; and legislation that promises equal opportunities for women and respect for their human rights has been adopted in many countries. The world now has an ever- growing number of women participating in society as policy-makers.

    1. Yes, i agree with you abi..we have to work together for the better world and never treat women like the way west treats them.

  4. Yes Sir we have to give women the respect they deserve but due to some old rituals like Karo Kari ( Honour Killing) in Pakistan and same type of ritual in India , the Women of the Indo Pak are always descrimenated.So what can we do to stop these kinds of costums and can we really do something?

  5. I am a woman and I actually agree with most evrything you said. Because I love my husband so much I submit and obey and submit myself to him completely. I am blessed to be married to a great man and he deserves me to be the best wife I can be. I also cherish my role as a mother to our 3 beautiful children and I wouldn't trade places with anyone. I am proud to be a woman and I accept my place as a woman because that is what God wants me to do.

  6. True, equality and importance for both.

  7. @ sundus
    Yes , it has been a big problem of our society that equilibrium between gender is not there and that's why the society is suffering from this situation.


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