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Three Assassins of Education System

What is Education? 
"Education in its general sense is a form of learning in which knowledge, skills, and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through teaching, training, research, or simply through auto dictation .Generally, it occurs through any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts"
 Unfortunately the main purpose of education has been violated for many years.As i always say "The Science and Education has been hijacked by some people in the world" , so the main charm of Science is missing nowadays.When i investigated the reason for the flaws in education system of the world and especially in Pakistan i got many points which will be described in this post.

1. Goal to get Education?
99% people will say that they study to get a good job or a good Profession.Means they get education to get the money and when anybody mix the education with money then may be he get some knowledge but not education.Firstly this thinking has to be changed.In Pakistan 60% of students want to be an Engineer and 40% want to be Doctor ( What a big joke!).Most of the students don't know any other field to which they can apply because they know one thing that they have to earn big time which they can by being a Doctor or Engineer.If Somebody starts studying Arts , he was considered as good for nothing or someone who don't want to study.As a i see in Pakistan the toppers get Pre-Engineering, Good Students get Pre- Medical , Average students get Commerce and remaining have no choice other then Arts.It is worst thing of today's education system.Why can't they leave the decision on the interest of Students ? Why Parents only want their children to be Doctor or Engineer? If they only give birth to their child for their better future so they should train the dogs and make them ran in the race ,they will make more money but please stop this injustice to the children.

2. The Unfair selection Criteria ( Aptitude Tests)
How can we Judge Potential of a Fish by this Test?
This picture illustrates the selection criteria used by Universities of the World.They take the same test for every type of Student and called that Aptitude.My Question is that how can you tell aptitude of a person by not knowing the actual potential of Student.For Example : One student is studying in Good School or College ,Studying in coaching center(See About Most of the Coaching Center) , taking tuition at home ,scored 70 % in Aptitude test and other student studying in government school or college , just studies at home because he has no money or have to go to a job and scored 65% in Aptitude test.Who has a better Brain?Who has the Potential? But in this education system 70% will be preferred over that 65%, isn't it injustice to the student?

3. Loss of Imagination

I hypothesize that the replacement of pretend play (and creative activities) in this generation of students is likely to be a significant, contributing factor to their loss of creative/analytical capability.  I hypothesize that both high school and college teachers are seeing this at the same time because college teachers, who are requiring more abstract thought, are encountering students who stopped pretend play between the ages of 5-8 and high school teachers are asking for less abstract thought but are encountering students who may have never used their imagination in pretend play.  This has serious implications now for high schools and for the next 5 years in colleges and universities.  Although the rapid loss of imaginative time may be affecting all ages of people,  young people may be more symptomatic because this is so critical for their maturation and development.  Older adults may just be forgetting more or less able to carry out an informed, creative discussion.There are likely to be other causal elements to this: teaching to tests (No Child Left Behind) reinforces memorization and the lack of imagination; students who are too busy (seen as a positive thing in our society) and in sports that are directed, like soccer and even dance, could easily lack imaginative time, and students who grow up in violent or otherwise dysfunctional homes may have trouble pretending.  They did not sit and listen to the radio as  I had done.  They are not allowed to play around the neighborhood, as i was as child.  And their diets are different, TV is on in most houses, there are constant distractions with cell phones, email,Facebook etc.  All of this could have significant impact on the ability of Child to dream, to imagine, and to innovate.  according to me teacher should teach " How to Think " rather than " What to think"


    Very nice topic...if you don,t mind i say something these two professions doctor n engineer were very famous in past n nowadays its very common i think parents want their child become a doctor /engineer b/c he/she will settle very soon n he/she will have bright future...but being a student sir i say student should choose that subject in which he/she interested b/c he/she will study himself/herself not a another person.

    1. That's one of the point i wanted to raise , After student become Doctor and Engineer how can you be sure of its good future ? The thing is that student should concentrate on the studies he/she want and after that no job is bad if he/she is happy because i have seen many of the people earning more from their shop than Doctors or Engineers are earning but the most important thing is Knowledge and education

  2. Hats off Sir, i have been waiting for this topic for a long time when we discussed on it last time .It is a good effort to identify the flaws in our education system.

  3. This still makes a sense when parents want their children to become doctor or engineer, but I can't figure out why other people around us are so curious about our future? Even when parents are ready to be with their children's choice your relatives or other people start criticizing you. And in the end you have to step back !

  4. Noreen Siddique
    oh Extremely sorry for late replying...they have lot of oppertunities to earn more they can do job different clinics,hospitals,ect but unfortunatly nowadays doctor/engineer are aiso jobless if they doing job then salary is not good as they want...main thing is knowladge...nowadays even doctor they know nothing but doing job i strange when i saw

  5. love this, i am about to hand over part of my sons brain to the government, he start school soon. all i can do is help him jump through the necessary hoops required whilst feeding his brain with curiosity and independant thinking. both his parents are self made, self employed and i hope this will set an example to him.

  6. True that, 99.9% people now a days are studying to get a good earning opportunity, which cannot be created by em.
    Those who have created education system are checking people by their ability to memorize things, writing, etc.
    and there is no offer to think in educational systems worldside.
    Even people who are too much indulged in educational systems have lost their thinking ability.
    Pathetic, so we must do home schooling of our kids, we must build them spritually, regliously, economically, politcally, socailly, and it is possible at all espeically now with information away just from certain clicks and searches.


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