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Muslims or Agents?

The image highlights what the media and eye witnessess have been saying all along that the so-called “Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan” (TTP) is actually a  very distorted duplicate of the Afghan Taliban.
These militants are local recruits, even though their handlers are sitting in the confines of their smoothly-tiled executive rooms at Langley. If a Jewish American by the name of Adam Pearlman alias ‘Adam Yahya Gadahn‘ could successfully present himself as an Arab militant, why is it not possible that others can follow in his footsteps?
These clandestine wars involve intelligence agencies vying to take the lead in this complex and dirty game. The Quran describes the rewards of those who disguise as Muslims (the Munafiqeen - hypocrites) as being in "darakal asfal" - lowest/deepest part of Jahannam (Hellfire). The Quranic word "darajah" (levels when ascending) has the opposite word called "darakah" (levels when descending). This is the word Allah (ta'ala) has used for those who disguise as Muslims to take lives and misguide humanity.
Tatoo's on TTP Fighter
TTP seems to be a proxy organization that has an ulterior motive of manipulating geopolitics involving both tactical and strategic plans - the attack on Peshawar airport,  the attack on Minhas Airbase, and Kamra which was carried out by commando battalions under the command of Joseph Votel. Tactical attacks also include those in which the young Malala Yusuf Zai was unknowingly used.

So while looking at the image, one should not be surprised.Tattoos such as the one above are seen on many army soldiers around the world. Europe and America (a country that I love dearly) is renowned for its custom tattoo paint shops littered across the country. 
These militants are certainly not Muslim by faith. These are foreigners who are very cheap mercenaries-for-hire. These include Tajiks, Gorkhas and Uzbeks. In fact, intelligence estimates in Pakistan argue that Uzbeks are the most preferred recruits for International Intelligence agencies (MI6, CIA, BND, Mossad, RAW). Some unconfirmed sources in the media report that  recruits can literally be “bought” for as low as $300 only.

But what is really mind-boggling is the tattoo. In Islam, the Prophet (peace be upon him) has cursed the one who does tattooing on his body (they are haram i.e. strictly prohibited). Muslim men are not supposed to have such paintings on them since they cause problems for offering regular prayers. The question here arises, why did self-proclaimed warriors of Islam adorn tattoos on their body and that too, of a skull? Is this a sign of the "Bones and Skulls" clandestine organization?
This reminds me of an earlier picture from about 4 years back in which a militant killed in Swat region was found to be uncircumcised.Again, Islamic Law makes it clear that all males are supposed to be circumcised in order to uphold the tradition on following what Ibrahim/Abraham (peace be upon him) did.
Do you know what is perplexing about all this? Just before this image got released, the TTP spokesperson claimed responsibility for the attacks. Their beliefs and practices have laid themselves bare. They have, in haste, confirmed adherence to things which have no association with Islam whatsoever. In the past, these savages blamed all their heinous attacks on the infamousBlackwater.  However, today TTP is not shy of admitting their role in killing people and destroying assets. There is no place for anyone to be called a Muslim for imposing a distorted and radical belief on innocent people - men, women and children. 

These militants should be categorized as Khawarij. They are the same heretics who attacked the Sacred Mosque in Makkah in 1979 claiming to be upholders of Islamic Law. Today, in Pakistan, TTP and all its subsidiaries are carrying out orders to cause mayhem, target killings and bloodshed. And Allah knows best.
(Article taken from Zaki Khalid)


  1. Just because there is a tattoo does not mean they are agents!

    Could it not be that they are reverts and the tattoo is from their previous lifestyle?

  2. @Darken Knight do agree, even we show too much radical people in zakir naik program reallyif u remove thier shirt might u get the ta same kind of TAttos isnt it :)

  3. Mohammad Taha Nasir15 April 2013 at 10:59

    mike tyson is a convert and having tatoos on his face.. he went ot haram for umrah. it doesnot matter, , , we can not judge any one , Allah knows best... it might be possible that muslims by birth also have tatoos, but still we are not sure.. so for the matters which we are not sure about we do not suppose to judge.. leave rest on Allah..


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