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Why little birds fly together ....

"Why little birds fly together?" , Mr Rehan asked me when i was studying a book in College.Mr. Rehan is Chemistry Lecturer in the same College.I closed that book and moved my attention towards him.He asked again " What do you think about the joint flight of little birds?".I thought for a moment and replied "To Support each others flight".....I thought he was asking a scientific question so i applied Bernoulli's Principle there.He asked again "How they can support each others flight ?",Then i realised that he was asking a general question.I started thinking again and by the time he said "To confuse their enemy ...If a big bird see many birds together then he gets confuse with lots of choices and by the time the birds escape and  fly away"After a pause he said "Why can't we ( He meant Muslims and Pakistanis) get united to defeat  our enemy ?"

He was right , Muslims and specially Pakistanis do need a common enemy so that they can be united.Yeah I know it is an awkward appeal that I want an Enemy but believe me history shows that Muslims and Pakistani and everywhere in the world ....People gets united when they see a common enemy.In case of Pakistan , The  Pakistanis Showed Phenomenal Unity during the War of 1965 .But very few of us knows that India was Forced to Fight that war.For few months before the War Pakistan's Army had firing incidents in many parts of borders as ordered by "Ayub Khan "....just to unite Pakistan.India had no other option just to declare a war and then rest is History ....Pakistanis Got united and fight against India , This Unity remained many years after that.I am Sure that India has also realised that if we fight against Pakistan ,they gets United so it is better to keep Peace so that they will fight against each others (That's what we are doing right now).

Another example i learnt from the history is not other then "United States of America"...They always keep someone as common enemy of whole nation so that they remain united.Sometime back they were Gorillas and now they are Taliban's.Before 1992 Americans warned their people against Communists ....they will come and snatch your money ...will burn your big houses and many more warning was given to the people of America just to keep them united and they kept so .After 1992 ,when they lost their that enemy they started to warn their people against Muslims....they will come and ruin their luxurious life .....will confine you to keep beard and many more stories were told and they are still united against their "virtual" enemy that is ,Muslims.

We Pakistanis do have a common enemy but the difference is that we have not identified it .Pakistanis have the following Common enemies against which we can fight.

1. Illiteracy
2. Unemployment
3. Unfair Distribution of Resources
4. Bad Politics
5. Slave Media

and the root of all

6. Distance from Religion

We should Stop to fight with respect to Language , Area , Colour and Caste and start to Fight against the previously mentioned Enemies.


  1. excellent depiction sir excellent!


    Yes you said absoultely right...well nice thought of you and your colleage...

    1. Thank you ... yes it is a a nice thought ...i hope all of us can have that


      yes have that like that my thought:):)

  3. Deep thought!, I must say.
    And nobody can put it in right manner with all facts and references, as you do. Good job!

    1. Thank you somal ..yes it is certainly a deep thought if one could understand

  4. Thank you my friend...I write what i see what ,i explore and first write on the paper in which i decide how to statrt or continue a fact...nothing else speacial i do.Just make it simple, when you write


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