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Only you can cure yourself.....

The door opened and a middle aged man walked into a Clinic.Doctor Greeted him with a hand shake and said "Please have a seat Mr.Khan"
The man took the seat mean while doctor said "Mr. Khan you are looking good and the suit is wonderful"
.The man replied by showing the label on the inner side of coat "It's Armani's Suit ...not many of the Pakistanis can afford it".The doctor agreed with a head shake.
Then Doctor asked the man " Long time no see..where have you been "?
Man replied  "I was on a holiday to Switzerland".
Doctor Exclaimed  "Wow ! Switzerland it's so beautiful".
"Yes, it is ... I spent many dollars there",the man replied proudly.
Now Doctor's sight went towards Mr.Khan's Watch then the doctor asked "Is it Rolex?"
The man replied " Worth's 2.5 lacs"
Suddenly the man stood up and asked the doctor to see outside the window.Then he asked " Can you see the yellow Ferrari"?
Doctor replied " Don't Tell me ! is it yours"?
"Yes, its mine ....there are only two or three Ferrari's in Pakistan",The man again replied with lot of proud.
The the doctor wanted to change the topic so he asked " How are your Children"?

The man replied " My son is studying in England and daughter is studying in America".
Doctor said " That's good , now tell me what is your problem ...i mean why you came to my Clinic"?
The man laughed and said " I forgot the main reason for coming...I came here to solve a big problem....I see Big Spiders around me"
Doctor said " What? When and where you see those"?
Man replied " I see them everywhere on the wall ,bed , on the roof ...whenever i am about to go to bed i see see them everywhere and because of them i have not been able to sleep"
The Doctor who is a cycatrist kept quiet for a time and asked " Did you take a Bank loan recently"?
The man Replied with fear on his face " Yes I took loan for my holiday, for my Ferrari , for my home , furniture and for children 's abroad study."
The Doctor Said " I can not cure you ...Only you can cure yourself....."

My Friends, This is the reality that bank loans are just like a web, when they trap you ...make your breath taking a struggle.I have seen many people get trapped in that web and then never get out of that.This is another drawback of this Capitalist System , the people take loan and gives interest so long.Why we take loan??? For the comfort living but the main comfort that is the mental comfort lost just after taking loan.Every time the person will feel the fear of bank , fear of return instalments which gets multiplied everyday.

Another strange thing about bank loans that bank gives loan after taking a security which means the banks wants to assure that you do not need that loan and if you have  nothing to give to bank then you are not eligible to take loan.In this system the loan is given only to that person who doesn't need that.Just like the discount offers are given after a big shopping ...i think the person buying many things is a richer person so he should not be given the discount rather it has to be given to the poorer.

A Dreamer like me wants to see the trend of " Qard e Hasan" ( Beautiful Loan) in our society ,in which the person taking loan will return the principle amount of loan, when he will become the capable of returning.
and the loan should only be given for Basics not for luxuries.So the people who loose their mental comfort after taking loan for luxuries i always say Only you can cure yourself.....


  1. I have a perfect sentence for your post
    " Summarized very beautifully, realistic and a moral based write up"
    We,ourselves have to find what's right for us not only for today and but also for tomorrow. So our life will going to be alright :)

    1. Thank you for your nice sentence...yes the right way should be chosen in order to get better future..

  2. Wow! A perfect story with drama , suspense , dialogues and the climax has won the show.A very good article with most importantly a good lesson.

    1. Thank you Abi...yes indeed the idea was to give that lesson.

  3. I wish every single person in this world could read this. Life is basically a competition these days. Nobody likes the comfort in simplicity. People want the BEST of everything. The aura of being better than others, is all around us. I really wish someone could eliminate this factor.

    1. Yes , every body should distinguish between needs and luxury ...if anyone has fulfilled his/her needs then he/she can go for luxuries but without basic things luxuries are like Web.

  4. Hi Talha , im Salman ahmed your friend from D.J Science College
    This Blog is very good dude ..espacially this post is wonderful
    Hats off man :-)

    1. Hi Salman its nice to see you here...thank you for your appreciation


    Again nice article...i like it...its a great lesson for everyone....


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