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I Want Quaid e Azam's Pakistan !!!

Since i posted "The Independence Day",i was trying to gather some facts about the idea behind the creation of Pakistan.Now when i heard about the news that MQM is arranging a Referendum named " What Pakistan Do you want ? Taliban's or Quaid e Azam's ( Muhammad Ali Jinnah)", i decided to make a post in which i will share some of his quotes and reality to my readers .
When Quaid-e AzamMuhammad Ali Jinnah came to Pakistan on the invitation of Allama Iqbal he said to the editor of "Daily Zammindar" Zafar Ali Khan and Sardar Rab Nishtar that
"I have been  living a rich life in London but i came back here just to create a State of "la ilaha illa Allah" (There is no God Except Allah),otherwise if i  supported the Capitalist System i would have earned lots of money or if i went to Russia and supported the Communist or Socialist system i would have got many Honors but i came here on the invitation of Allama Iqbal and will live a difficult life here just to make an Islamic state"
Later this was published in Daily Zammindar and "Daily Manara" From Lahore and Karachi Respectively.But it is very surprising and disgusting to know that the person who is responsible to arrange such Referendum is living a luxurious life in London and totally supporting the Capitalist system . Very Strange but my blog readers can understand that they are just garbing the media attention by this act and they are using the different concept about Quaid e Azam.

Now have a look on the Personality of Quaid e Azam in the light of his own Statements that i gathered in the recent past.

On August 6, 1939, he said: 
“I was born Muslim; I am a Muslim and shall die a Muslim.
  On another occasion he said:  
“I am no Maulana or a Maulvi but I also know a little of my faith”

This clearly tells he was NOT a secular character by any definition of ‘secularism’While addressing the Karachi Bar Association in January 25, 1948, the Quaid-i-Azam said:
“I cannot understand the logic of those who have been deliberately and mischievously propagating that the Constitution of Pakistan will not be based on Islamic Shariat. Islamic principles today are as much applicable to life as they were 1300 years ago."
Further, In 1946, Quaid-e-Azam declared
"We do not demand Pakistan simply to have a piece of land but we want a laboratory where we could experiment on Islamic principles"
In his message to the frontier Muslim Students Federation, he said:(Address on 18th June 1945)
"Pakistan only means freedom and independence but Muslims ideology which has to be preserved which has come to us a precious gift and treasure and which we hope, others will share with us"
  Now i will tell you that how this concept was developed.The most controversial Justice in the History of Pakistan i.e. Justice Nazir Submitted a report known as Nazir Report.In which he declared Quaid e Azam a Secular on his Interview to Doom Campbell , 21 may 1947.According to Justice Nazir ,Quaid e Azam Said
"The new state would be modern democratic state with sovereignty resting in the people and the members of the new nation having equal rights of citizenship regardless of religion , caste or creed"
 But you will be surprise to know that when i searched the book written by Doom Campbell , i was shocked to read the real words of Quaid e Azam ,He said
  " But the government of Pakistan can only be a popular representative and democratic form of government.It’s government and cabinet responsible to the parliament will both be finally responsible to the electorate and people in general without any distinction of caste , creed or sect."

So , This article is a wake up call to all the people think that Quaid e Azam was secular .I want Quaid e Azam's Pakistan because its the Pakistan of Muhammad (S.A.W) .Pakistan is the only state that was created on his name and in the name of Islam and Allah .There are many Muslim state but none of them was in the name of Islam.Including Saudi Arab .....Which is not the Islamic Arab or Muhammad's Arab ....rather it is Shah Saud's Arab .All Islamic states Egypt , Bangladesh ,Malaysia and others was created in the name of Race , Language or any other factor but Pakistan is the Only Sate which was created in the name of Allah and Muhammad ( S.A.W). But wait a minute i am not saying that any other religion is not allowed in Pakistan , the thing i want to say is the system.All religions should be welcomed in Pakistan ,unless or until they collide with the Islamic system.Islam doesn't stop us to make friendship with the innocent  people ( who has not fight with any Muslim). Also think that may be by living together they can be influenced by our behavior and can later become Muslim.

I believe this Pakistan can be established by Imran khan and Pakistan Tehreek e Insaaf.
Hopefully this article will help the cause that We Want Quaid e Azam 's Pakistan that is Islamic State.


  1. Definitely we all want Quaid e Azam's Pakistan!!
    I've heard some people debating on Quaid e Azam's religion. Some people declared him secular while others say he was a Shia because his Namaz e Janazah was held according to Shia's traditions. I don't know why people indulge in these types of debates? The thing which matters the most is what he have done for us!! He is far better than those who called them Muslims. We can never pay off his sacrifices for us.

    1. Yes. i agree that the basic point is that he wanted a Muslim state .....what was his sect is not important.

  2. Noreen Siddique
    of course we want Quaid.e.Azam Pakistan......but can you tell me about referendum why is this arranged?

    1. M.Q.M had arranged a referendum that "which Pakistan do you want" and the options are Quaid e azam's or Taliban's but fortunately it is now postponed and my theory suggests that it has been cancelled.

  3. Noreen Siddique
    it is a very crazy question na which pakistan do u want? everyone want Quaid e Azam pakistan who will want taliban's pakistan?

  4. Wow! nice topic :)
    and i am totally agree we can only get our Pakistan through the true spirit of Imran khan......

  5. Assalam-O-Alaikum...

    Nice one dude. your working on this blog is really appreciated. but the thing which i didn't like is the cannot opt a conclusion that who will bring the change. I do not think so that Imran bhai can bring the change. similarly there are certain people who are thinking that Imran bhai is not a good politician. Being a cricket lover I love him an respect him as a cricketer but to rule a nation is definitely a separate thing.Secondly he is not living a life on the Islamic principle. If you think that we got Pakistan on the name of Allah then how can you think a person can give us the change which he himself not following. I am not saying that change will come when every single person will become "molana/molvi" (Note: molana/molvi were the two greatest educational degrees in our past. but shamefully we have revised the meaning). Its the way of thinking that can bring the change. Imran bhai seriously lacking in this field. Next time when you write this kind of blog it is my request to you to please do not enforce your thoughts on others. keep the option open always. let the people decide what they want.

    Note: dude take this in the same way as it is written. I do not want to hurt/abuse your feelings. :) :)

    1. Walekum Assalam..
      Adil Thanks for your praise and comment.Why i think he can bring the change is because he is the only politician who has agreed to change todays Capatalist system that is against Islam and He has Promised to Dr.Abdul Wadood Khan that he will bring his systm of Banking in Pakistan TMCL( That is non-interest system and the real islamic banking concept) .When this system will come in Pakistan believe me the dream seen by Quaid e Azam to have a islamic system will become true.
      Do not worry i always take the criticism Positive :-)

  6. Thanks dude for taking things positive. :)
    lets hope n pray that things will get change. doesn't matter who will bring the change.

    1. Your are welcome ..... Yeah change is more important than who will bring change.


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