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How to be The Real Follower ???

In the history there are two personalities whose sacrifices for humanity and truth are precious. Every time I study their sacrifices  my heart fills with the feelings to do something, not comparable with them but something to raise the commandment of truth in front of the whole world. These two personalities are Hazrat Esa (Jesus Christ) and Hazrat Imam Hussain.

They scarified their all including their lives for the sake of humanity and truth. Both Jesus Christ and Hazrat Imam Hussain stood tall against the evil head of their states; beard all but didn’t take a single step back from their cause. That is raising the truth and fights for justice against the person who was cruel, who always did injustice in the society, who killed many people for their happiness and who were corrupt by their heart and soul. I would like to bring your attention that although I am speaking on incidents long time ago but the characteristics I wrote for the head of sates at that time is same as the characteristics of many Presidents and Prime ministers of many of countries in the world  but how many of us are good enough to say a single word against cruel leaders and politicians of our society….i think no one.

If media would have been present at that time I am sure they would have been supporting the cruel act of the head of state….as they did in the cases of Vietnam, Afghanistan, Bombing at Lal Masjid and the list goes on. In the above incidents  the media presented the people raising their voice against the evil acts was declared Gorillas, Taliban , terrorists etc and supported their killings Especially Lal Masjid Case is same as what happened in Karbala….Women ,Children and Arm less people who raised their voices against a cruel President and Prime Minister  were kept hungry , thirsty and without electricity for one week……that was in human act.If for the sake of argument we accept that they were not innocent but still they were human.Where were the NGO’s and Political parties at that time who were speaking malala malala on a single shooting incident. Does anybody know the exact number of person being killed there???Again the answer is no one.
In our Society anybody who speaks against injustice, cruelty and evil act of the head of state called a Rebel or a stupid and then are killed and media congratulates the political parties. 

So what Muslims can learn from both personalities and Christians can learn from Jesus Christ???

Search the truth, raise the Truth in front of everybody, fight against merit less head of state and sacrifice the life for humanity…..No matter that where are you from…Pakistan , India , America  or any other state. If you want to be a true follower of Hazrat Imam Hussain Or Jesus Christ then stop crying , stop all the acts forbidden by him and remember him in the way he Wanted. But I am sorry to say that we Muslims and also Christians remembers them for few days by celebrating festivals. We are limited to Eid, Ashura , Eid e Bakra , Christmas, Easter etc.All other days in a year we have nothing to do with the Religion. Many of us give and take bribe, speak lie, betray people all days in year.

Please learn the real Spirit of Hazrat Imam Hussain and Jesus Christ If you love them and follow them.


  1. Wow! I just completely love this post....... :)
    and yes you are right we only remember them in religious events whether partially or completely. At only that time we become enthusiast to our religions!!!
    And this is not exactly what we have learn from them so we should try to follow them as much as we can....

  2. Yes we should follow them in the right way and in all aspects of life ,if we love them and follow them..

  3. I hope the writer also follow them :p

  4. That reminds me a group named " What would Jesus do",who preach to act in every aspects of life as Jesus would have acted...I think it is ultimate step to be his real follower.

    1. Yes, i know about that group they act the same why as Jesus would have acted

  5. بقول اقبال: (سر حادثہ کربلا)

    تار ما از زخمه اش لرزان هنوز
    تازه از تکبیر او ایمان هنوز

    نقش الا الله بر صحرا نوشت
    سطر عنوان نجات ما نوشت

    آپ کی قربانی سے آج تک ہمارے ساز کا تار لرزاں ہے اور آپ کی تکبیر سے ہمارا ایمان زندہ ہے. آپ نے صحرا پر خون سے لا الہ رقم کیا. گویا ہماری نجات کا پیام تحریر کیا.

  6. +Muhammad Talha Bin Yousuf what about Hadhrat Umar R.A ??

    1. Yes off course , he sacrifice his life for the Islam and truth but the way in which we remember his sacrifice is a better way than Hazrat Imam Hussain and Hazrat esa are remembered, that is way i explained that.But the sacrifice of Hazrat Umar R.A has the same worth as the two sacrifices discussed.


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