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Test for the Believer.....

"The name of post has been changed from" Protest against anti Islamic blasphemic Movie" because this post has been attacked by Hackers and they are stopping people to read this because this protest can hurt them big.

In a Hadith Sharif, the Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم   says that no one among of you can be a perfect Momin unless he loves me more than his mother, father, children, his property and even his own life. On listening this, Hazrat Umar Farooq (radiyallahu anhu) said, ‘ O Prophet of Allah! I love you more than my property, children and my parents, but you are not dear to me more than my life.’ The Holy Prophet  صلى الله عليه و سلمclasped him with his chest and asked how did the later felt then. Hazrat Umar Farooq (radiyallahu anhu) said, ‘ now I love you more than my life.’ Upon this, the Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم said, ‘ now, you have perfected your Iman.’

Why i am protesting???because i want to be a Momin and i boycott all the people who does not give respect to my beloved Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.

Finally it has been a big relief for me when i completed the data for this the first question which i want to clarify is that what am i protesting for?
I am protesting against an anti Islamic movie - innocence of muslims...made by a rascal evil Sam Basile and supported by name sake Pastor Terry Jones.But how can i stop them from this evil deed.I am protesting against the American government for not taking any action against them and allows such actions...disrespect of my beloved Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).Now let me tell you what is a protest?
protest is an expression of objection, by words or by actions, to particular events, policies or situations
I am doing and asking a type of protest that is " Economic Protest". America being a fighting nation doesn't seem to turn down by fighting but they are always afraid of the economic crisis so what we can do ...make them realise their mistake by not using their products and boycott to their companies.Since many economic protest has changed the history so i launch my economic protest agianst them

As a Pakistani I gathered the data of American companies working in Pakistan and making money from us .Here is a list

American Companies
1.       International Laboratories
2.       Abbott Laboratories
3.       Johnson & Johnson Pakistan
4.       AES Pakistan
5.       Karachi International Container Terminal
6.       American Consultants
7.       Karam Ceramics
8.       American President Lines
9.       KFC
10.   Bank of America
11.   McDonalds
12.   Brink's Pakistan
13.   Merck Sharp & Dohme Pakistan
14.   Caltex Oil Pakistan
15.   Morgan Stanley Pakistan Investment Fund
16.   Captain-PQ Chemical Industries
17.   Muller & Phipps Pakistan
18.   Carrier Service Company
19.   New Hampshire Insurance Company
20.   Citibank
21.   Occidental Pakistan
22.   The Coca-Cola Export Corporation
23.   Pakistan Mobile Communications
24.   Colgate-Palmolive Pakistan
25.   Parke, Davis & Company
26.   Cornpak
27.   Pepsi-Cola Pakistan
28.   Crescent Greenwood
29.   Pfizer Laboratories
30.   Cyanamid Pakistan
31.   Pizza Hut
32.   Dawood Hercules Chemicals
33.   Premier Tobacco Industries
34.   DHL Pakistan
35.   Procter & Gamble Pakistan
36.   DuPont Far East Inc.
37.   Rafhan Maize Products Company
38.   Eli Lilly Scientific Office
39.   Sheraton Middle East Management Corp.
40.   First International Investment Bank
41.   Singer Pakistan
42.   The General Tyre & Rubber Company of Pakistan
43.   Smith Kline Becham Pakistan
44.   Gillette Pakistan
45.   Squibb Pakistan
46.   IBM Semea
47.   3M Pakistan
48.   Intel Pakistan
49.   Union Texas Pakistan
50.   Upjohn Pakistan

As i searched there are 50 American companies working in Pakistan and have look what they earn from us

The U.S. Investment in Selected Industries
(Million of U.S. Dollars)

Total Manufacturing
Food & Kindred Products
Chemicals & Allied Products
Primary & Fabricated Metals
Industrial Machinery and Equipment
Electric & Electronic Equipment
Transportation Equipment
Other manufacturing
Wholesale Trade
Finance/Insurance/Real Estate
Other Industries
Total All Industries

So a total of 630 millions of US dollars are here in Pakistan and they are earning many a times from us .

Don't worry i am not asking you to stop using their product and go to stone age but i am asking you try not to buy their new products .... so from where you can buy.Here is a list

Alternative Pakistani Companies

Allied Bank Limited
Bank AL Habib
Bank Alfalah Limited
Habib Bank Limited
Meezan Bank Limited

ICI Pakistan
Ittehad Chemicals

Construction Companies
Rockwell Group
Ahansaz Contractor (Pvt) Limited
Habib Construction Services (Pvt) Limited
MIDJAC Construction (Pvt) Limited
Descon Engineering
Technical Associates Pakistan (Pvt) Limited

Deepak Perwani
Kamiar Rokni
Junaid Jamshed

Engro Corporation
Fauji Fertilizer Company Limited
Fatima Fertilizer

Food and personal care products
Peek Freans
Reckitt Benckiser Pakistan
National Foods

Sheraton Hotels
Avari Hotels

Beema-Pakistan Company
State Life Insurance Corporation of Pakistan
Adamjee Insurance Co. Ltd
Jubilee Insurance

Oil Industries
Pakistan Oilfields
Pakistan Petroleum
British Petroleum

Oil and gas marketing
Attock Petroleum
Pakistan State Oil
Sui Southern Gas Company
Sui Northern Gas Pipelines

Friends i know its a small step by me but they say "Qatra Qatra Samundar Banta hai"( means drops make an ocean) me and yourself because remember that 
"Not Stopping a blasphemy is a Blasphemy itself "
Kindly tell others the right way to protest....The Economic Protest...otherwise no way for a common man to fight .

Note :- To get these company names on your cell phone  , To ask about any sort of company that is missing in the above list or to add a company name ....Kindly send me an email at

Thank you.


  1. such nice post talha...Allah give u agar for this...

  2. Thank you and may Allah give me and others the strength to continue this protest.Ameen

  3. what about Q-mobile??? in which we can't even write The Name of Our BELOVED PROPHET MUHAMMAD ( صلى الله عليه و سلم).

  4. True.... we must not only condemn but boycott their product..... but I have a question that y not we force our government to block the supply n distribution chain of such products.... which r hugely n widely distributed all over the country... wen we go for groceries.. they r all around us... n hardly we find anything of our interest.... as a lay man we r forced to buy these product as we dont have any other option.... we cant able to follow the list I think boycott will be nore affective if we start from higher level... to break the corporatism ...

  5. @ Humaira Qazi
    I think government can never condemn that because they have nothing to do with Islam or Muhammad S.A.W most of them are slaves of corporate culture but if the new government came we can force them to do so otherwise for our half we can tell the people about the other options and ask them to buy mostly Pakistani products which will also boost our share the names with your friends or relatives InshaAllah we can and we will make the difference.

  6. @ Khalid Khan
    According to Q -mobile company earlier they had a problem in hand set but now the problem has been resolved .I myself use the Q-mobile and i write Muhammad S.A.W frequently in Arabic.


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