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Water Car in Pakistan

Hello readers,its good to have you back.Today i will speak about the recent and hot topic of "Water kit cars".

Readers,Our social media and our mainstream media are known for publishing news irresponsibly and without verification.The same happened in this case and media makes fool out of the Pakistanis.
Some days ago, my friends told me about a certain episode of Hamid Mir’s programme “Capital Talk” on Geo TV. This episode was about a man called Agha Waqar – a proud Pakistani who claimed to have invented something called a ‘water car kit’.Firstly i would like to tell you that its not the first time a person has made that sort of kit.In Japan they have invented it in 2008 and currently using it.(see the photo below)

So how this kit works?
Yes - hydrogen is a good, clean fuel, producing only water as a by-product. Unfortunately it produces so much energy that it can get out of control, resulting in an explosion. But let's forget about that explosive part for a minute and think about the possibilities - Hydrogen as a New Clean Fuel - it could be the end of the energy crisis - but where would we get the hydrogen?

Can we create Hydrogen from Water?

Oh Yes! It's the same chemical reaction, but run in reverse:
2H2O + ENERGY = 2H2 + O2

Notice now that the requirement is for energy to be ADDED TO the reactants. This is an example of an Endothermic reaction. This means that we could use Water as a Fuel! IF (and this is a big if) we could find an easy way to convert the water to hydrogen and oxygen, then the hydrogen could be used as a clean fuel.
One way to convert Water to Hydrogen and Oxygen is through the process of Electrolysis - using electricity as the source of energy to drive the reaction. Let's take a look at what that might look like:

Bottom line : This car works on electricity provided by the battery.These sorts of cars are limited to their capacity and speed and might be little more expensive.Although I have great respect for Agha Waqar for at least taking initiatives for introducing this technology in Pakistan, it saddens me that our media is claiming that something the world already saw decades ago has been invented by us in 2012.  All I am saying is that people should not be mislead to believe something that may not be true.

Only the time will tell that this kit would be feasible or not............I hope feasible!


  1. I would love to add my views to this topic. first of all it is impossible to perform electrolytic process and break water with a car battery (i.e 12 volts). if this happen then whenever water comes in contact with the electricity which we are using in our homes, offices n other places, water would break immediately into its components i.e hydrogen & oxygen. we have to provide certain condition to break water. as doctor Ata ur Rehman said in the same program that this concept is totally against with the law of thermodynamics. secondly there is another person named Mr.Qamar claimed that their is a fault in Aga waqar's model. Mr. qamar claimed that he has also made a water kit which gives 2500KM millage along with the regular fuel i.e petrol diesel CNG etc. I am not saying that Aga waqar's model is useless in compare with Mr. Qamar's proposal. The point is that Aga waqar has not created anything unique. There is 75% chance that he is making fraud. couple of the reasons i have discussed other reason are, Why he has not accepted the challenge of Dr. Ata ur rehman to have a complete examine of his car with a expert team of fuel engg?? Why he has not accepted the challenge to convert Dr. Ata ur rehman's car kit into his water kit model? Most important point is that Aga waqar is saying that govt has to back him & provide him funds to start selling this model commercially but did any one notice that all the thing that he has used in his kit are already available in the market commercially, so what type of plant the wants to start?? further more despite the controversial invention, how he can use a prefix "ENGR" with his name without having any engineering degree & registration from PEC?? international media & international companies would already picked him up if they considered his invention as a milestone. It simply showing that he is making his fool. If he proves himself in front of expert engineers panel of relevant field i will definitely love to own his product & it would be a proud moment for our nation. but for now I am totally agreed with Dr. Ata ur rehman


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