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The Bangladesh Model

Hello Readers welcome back ,on Tuesday, July 17, 2012 i read a statement of Chief justice of Pakistan

The CJP said "The judiciary wants to see the institutions strong. He also made it clear that the judiciary wants to see the Pakistan Army stable as an institution, however, it wants to emphasise that there will be the supremacy of the constitution only, adding that a Bangladesh-like model cannot work here."

So in this article i will explain my readers what is the Bangladesh model?I will explain to all my readers ,what i personally think about the system and ask your opinion on this topic.

Dr. Fakhruddin Ahmed
What is Bangladesh Model ?

In October 2006 , Khalda zia's Bagladesh National party completed their time of government and then the series of riots started in the country.According to statistics 40 people were killed in that riots.By the time Khalda Zia faces allegations of corruption .The government has to arrange elections till 22 January, 2007 but with opposition leader Hasina wajid ,18 Small political parties boycott the election due to which political uncertainty was produced in Bangladesh.when the situation got out of control the army put emergency in the country and made government of technocrats.The chief executive of that government was country's known economist Dr. Fakhruddin Ahmed, who has been a Bureaucrat,was former governor of State bank and was a international level economist.Dr. Fakhruddin Selected 21 special and honest persons from the country made them ministers and then they did Wonders.

This Technocratic government continued to 23 months,in which they
1.Grew the economy in he right way. 
2.Solved the country's security problem ,made the country peaceful
3.Arrested 160 corrupt people which includes Bureaucrats,Politicians and businessmen and 4.end the corruption in country. 
5.Made new voter's lists,and voters were issued cards with their pictures. 
6.Fitted cameras on polling stations. 
7.Made new laws for trade and industry.
8.With the help of army clear all dangerous areas of country.

By implementing above steps the Bangladesh started to grow and then on 29, December 2008 the government arranged elections and left to home.This amazing experience is named as "Bangladesh model".

Religious harmony and absence of terrorism are the key factors that have contributed to the phenomenal economic development in Bangladesh. Peace is a precondition for any country to prosper. Unfortunately, we have destroyed the same. The intense floods that Pakistan has suffered from in 2010 and 2011, the people of Bangladesh suffer the same if not more, virtually every year along with the cyclones. But unlike us, they apply efficient flood control management to minimise the losses and suffering. Despite these natural disasters, most economic indicators of Bangladesh appear to be much better than Pakistan. Unlike us, Bangladesh allocates a high percentage of about 12 percent for education and technology in its annual budget. On the other hand, their allocation for defence is merely 7.3 percent in the current budget. The GDP growth in Bangladesh has been around 6 percent and 6.7 percent this year. Until recently, the Bangladeshi Takka was better by 20 percent in comparison to the Pak rupee. Bangladesh does not grow a single ounce of cotton, but it is one of the largest exporters of cotton garments and materials. In contrast, Pakistan is one of the biggest growers of cotton, but rarely, we have surpassed the export targets of Bangladesh in the recent past.

Unlike Pakistan, Bangladesh is fortunate not to have any major territorial dispute or tension on its borders. Recently, when the Indian PM visited Dhaka, Bangladesh resolved its territorial disputes amicably by signing an agreement with India. They still have serious differences with India on water issues, but resolution is pursued through peaceful negotiations. Bangladesh is much smaller than India, but it does not fear threats to its existence.

If Bangladesh being one of the largest Muslim countries can have a secular constitution and system, I see no reason why we can not. It is absolutely false and baseless to allege that secularism is against Islam or promotes la-deeniyat. The undeniable truth is that in a secular society people are more free and safe to follow the religion or sect of their choice, as was guaranteed by our Quaid-e-Azam.

It is high time that Pakistan must radically correct its internal and external policies, political strategy and priorities to eliminate all kinds of terrorists and bigots from our soil, establish relations on peaceful basis with all our neighbours and learn lessons from the constitutional, political, religious and cultural reforms and strategies adopted by Bangladesh. 

I want your opinion on this matter , feel free to comment if you agree or disagree to my points.

Thank you


  1. Its a good model , i think it should be applied there.


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