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How to handle Mean People?

Hello readers ,today i will speak about Mean People and tell you how i

Mean People are the people who say and do things that wound others....are every where.They may be mean bosses,co-workers,clerks,neighbors and even family members.Most of us have mean flashes that come out in moment of stress.But when the real mean people are mean they want to inflict pain.(As i figured)

If a mean person tries to intimidate you,take action.Mean people always looks for a push over but being assertive you can make them stop.I have a punch for them.Punch means five points strategy).

Meet them head on :
When i started teaching i met with a mean person.He teaches the same subject in the coaching center .One day i listened him talking about me telling the students that i can't teach (that's not true)and don't go for my classes .I tried this rule ,talk to him at the same time, in front of all students i asked him to proof what he was saying before and he has no answer because mean people can't speak in front of the assertive.if i had not stop him he would have talked more bad for me.

If you want to stop the mean person you have to go head on with him/her.Tell them that what are they doing and how it affects you and insist him/her to stop them.and if it 
doesn't work then climb the ladder and make complaint to the higher authorities.

Play the diplomat :

Direct confrontation is a powerful tool but there are subtler ways.Playing diplomat can also cope up with the mean people.For example when you are in a queue and you are watching a person barges ahead of you then you can ignore him but that will rankle.You can scream but then the person will also scream. So the best option is to say " excuse me the line starts from there".This will show that you are upset and gives the person an easy exit.Diplomacy will give the mean person a chance to consider the consequences.

Use humor :
Making humor of mean person or making a humorous statement can also make a difference.In this way the act of the person come in front of everybody but in a refreshing mood. For-example if you are in a bus and the passenger next to you want to take your would be seat then ask him that "Are you a politician who always wants to have seat ?" his act will be watched by all bus so he will become passive.

Quit :
When i was in university ,at the end of second semester i suffered from illness due to which i didn't give my exam but i called the subject teacher ask him to take my examination sometime later because i was one who is the contender to take first position ,on the phone he agreed but later he showed his real color at that time i stop handling the mean head of department and appeared in supplement exam next year.

If the mean people is not admitting his/her mistake and tries to hurt you again and again then Get out of the situation when nothing else work. Quitting a job - or walk out of a store without the purchase a last resort.But it is one you should always have in mind.

Be forgiving:
There are some situations where patience and endurance can be best course .So isf siblings are mean to you you then ignore ,open your doors , invite them to weddings.Give them the choice of slamming it or walking through. Sometimes all they needed was an overture.

With patience and strategy, you can outlast and overcome mean people where ever you encounter them.

For handling other types of people see "Secret to Success"
Thank you


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. When ever I met with the people who have that (mean) kind of nature, I try my best to avoid them but sometimes they create that situation that for a moment i think to beat them black & blue or blow there head off, so that they will remember me throughout their life & other mean people will think 100 times before doing any thing mean. But then I thought that this is not the way to handle them, its like throwing a stone in the mud.

    Our Prophet (S.A.W.W) has always that habit to forgive every single person who had done anything mean to him. we should follow that path,

  3. Yeah That's a right punch for the meanie ;D

  4. Well,really telling you the truth i have not yet faced any real mean person in my life because i think somewhere everyone has an element of selfishness in their blood.So, somewhere you have to work with patience and tolerance also tried to forget and forgive the mistakes but if someone really needs a punch so don't pull yourself back :)

  5. Forgiving is good but you need a big heart for that :)

  6. I have a big heart :D

  7. Yes, you do have....i think everyone should have

  8. Just love the way you write :) Like how you make a random topic too much interesting :D
    And the person who thinks that you can't teach really needs a punch :p

  9. Thank you somal...I just try to explain in best possible way...its good that you find it interesting.


    i think forgiving is best way because if we will do bad and then next person repeat this action this is not to way to solve the problem...whose said that you not teach i think he/she is totally mad.i like ur teaching method...

    1. Yes , if you can do nothing then forgiving is the best method ...


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