Why do we forget?
1. We forget an experience because it makes weak impression on us.
When we read and reread a chapter in a book ,yet a few minutes afterwards you can't relate one word what you have read.This is caused by lack of attention towards experience so it doesn't make an impression of memory
2. We forget an experience because we don't refresh our memory of it.
It depends that how much time is passed after an experience and how much we have repeated it.Most of what we learnt is forgetting as soon as we have learnt it.
3. We forget an experience because other experiences interfere with it.
Most of the things we forget is because it interferes with another thing we learned or experienced afterwards.For example we learn a chapter and then the next chapter having similar topics then the memory will interfere the both topics and all we will have is a mixture of thoughts.
4. We forget an experience because it creates a conflict between the wish to remember it and wish not to remember it.
There is also a process of unconscious forgetting all pain full memories known as repression.Such memory can be recalled because of sense of anxiety and guilt which they would provoke if they were.We more easily forget an experience which conflicts with our comfort and self esteem that one which doesn't.
5.We forget because the brain affected by the physiological changes accompanying old age,shock , use of drugs and possibly use of tobacco.
The above mentioned reasons are also factors of forgetting
How we can remember?
1. Acquire the habit of attention.
The first cause of poor memory is lack of attention that is caused by day dreaming , Lack of interest in the subject,too little or too much muscular tension and worry or emotional conflict..To secure a strong impression it is necessary to concentrate on what we wish to remember.So to acquire the habit of concentration :
i. Bring your mind back every time it wanders to the other things.
ii. Strengthen your interest in the subject by means of autosuggestion.
iii.Lightly brace yourself (but not too much) as we work.
iv. Try to deal with the emotional problems that distract our attention.
2. Refresh your memory.
The second cause of poor memory is that we allow time to lapse without refreshing our memory.To be most effective in refreshing our memory repetition depends upon certain condition;Which are stated as following rules:
ii. A few minutes repetition everyday is better than a greater amount of repetition less often.
iii.The better method of repetition than reading and rereading is to read and then try to recall what has been read.
iv. It is better to repeat the material as a whole than to break it up into parts and repeat each parts separately.
v.Use autosuggestion to acquire confidence in your ability to remember what you repeat.
The next part of topic will be posted separately. Until use the above rules.
Thank you
Where is the remaining par friend :-?