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Showing posts from August, 2012

Neil Armstrong: The First person to walk on moon??

Hello Readers ,  My Condolences  as  Armstrong landed on the moon July 20, 1969 on Apollo 11 spacecraft. He is remembered for his widely quoted remark which he made on landing: "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind, died Saturday 25th of August ,2012. But some of the people ,including scientists do not believe that he was the first person to walk on moon ......and they said he never went to moon and it was a drama made by Government of America in order to pressurize other countries .For that i have gathered some of evidences. THE PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE Issue 1 : Since the Moon has only one light source, the Sun, the shadows must be in line. But in this cases, it looks as if there are multiple light sources in moon, which is not possible. Issue 2: The foreground of many images of the astronauts on the Moon are filled in with light, while the shadows remain absolutely black, again proving that there are multiple light sources. Issue 3 : There are n...

Will world end in 2012 ?

Hello readers welcome back,An ancient Mayan calendar mysteriously ends at the winter solstice in the year 2012. Is this a sign that they Mayans knew that December 2012 is the end of human history? The History Channel, Newsweek magazine, major movie studios, booksellers and hundreds of Web sites are fanning the 2012 craze. Should you be building a shelter and stowing away food for the coming disaster? The predictions are of total devastation! According to some forecasts entire cities will be destroyed by enormous tsunamis, earthquakes and Category 5 hurricanes; meteors will wain down fiery death from heaven; and human history will come to a violent end. In this Post i will try to prove with my efforts done in last many moths,that world will not end in 2012. According To Quran The holy book, Quran is one of the most respected pieces of literature, for its scientific approach and accurate calculations about the future. The Quran has stated that the world will come to an end ...


Note the response alternatives that best describes your likely behavior in each of the following situation. 1. When playing a competitive sport,do you       a. Find yourself wasting energy through tension?      b. Assume you will do well and yourself into game without much worry?      c. Worry about how your performance may be viewed?      d. Need to win at all costs and suffer profound disappointment if you don't? 2. When driving in heavy traffic , do you       a. Remain calm,alert and relaxed?      b. Find your heart beating faster and feel irritated?      c. Find yourself getting actively angry with other motorists and want them to to get out of your way?      d. Become tired and worried about wasted time? 3. When in meeting new people at work or social event,do you       a. Feel relaxed and face the meeting with a sens...

Water Car in Pakistan

Hello readers,its good to have you back.Today i will speak about the recent and hot topic of "Water kit cars". Readers,Our social media and our mainstream media are known for publishing news irresponsibly and without verification.The same happened in this case and media makes fool out of the Pakistanis. Some days ago, my friends told me about a certain episode of Hamid Mir’s programme “Capital Talk” on Geo TV. This episode was about a man called Agha Waqar – a proud Pakistani who claimed to have invented something called a ‘water car kit’.Firstly i would like to tell you that its not the first time a person has made that sort of kit.In Japan they have invented it in 2008 and currently using it.(see the photo below) So how this kit works? Yes - hydrogen is a good, clean fuel, producing only water as a by-product. Unfortunately it produces so much energy that it can get out of control, resulting in an explosion. But let's forget about that explosive part for ...