Continued from Check your Intuition Level
While intuition is something we’re all are born with, many people, including yourself, do not get the chance to develop it. Your intuition has saved you from emergency situations, but you generally do not listen to your ‘gut feelings’ which you’re paying dearly for.
You mainly use your intuition to tap into the feelings of those around you and those whom you have close relationships with. You are a highly empathetic person and can easily understand those around you.
Thomas Edison once said, “Ideas come from space”.
Many scientists and investors get their ideas and knowledge from having Level 3 intuition.
Look at the case of Elias Howe, the inventor of the sewing machine. He was struggling for years to come up with the design for the sewing machine needle. One night he had a dream where he was surrounded by cannibals who were holding spears with holes in them. This gave him the idea that the thread hole for the sewing needle had to be at the tip of needle and not at the top. That was how the sewing machine was invented.
This is the most useful and the most amazing level of intuition. At this level, your subconscious mind works with you and your intuition guides you to move towards your life purpose.
Intuition falls into 4 categories. While most of us are functioning at Level 1 or 2, we all have the ability to function at the highest level (Level 4). Our goal as human beings is to continuously grow from Level 1 to Level 4.
You score 20-30. Level 1 – Warning System Intuition:
Let’s take the September 11th incident as an example. On this particular day, an unusually high number of people have claimed that they experienced dread going to work at the World Trade Centre.
Other examples include those who’ve experienced overwhelming feelings of dread just before making a journey. If you take a look at the results of the intuition contest on our blog post, you’ll see that 60-70% of all stories were at Level 1 – Warning System Intuition. This is where most people’s intuition stand.
While intuition is something we’re all are born with, many people, including yourself, do not get the chance to develop it. Your intuition has saved you from emergency situations, but you generally do not listen to your ‘gut feelings’ which you’re paying dearly for.
Don’t worry though, it’s never too late to start training and growing your intuitive abilities. If you do, you’re in for some amazing insights and a whole new level of well-being.
You score 30-40. Level 2 – Social Intuition:
People at this Level have been known to finish the sentences of those they’re close to, sense danger that’s approaching them like a mother senses danger for her child and are even affected by the moods of their spouses or those close to them.
This Level intuition is common in close groups, but you are more attune to it than others. Being on this Level is greatly beneficial for leaders, families and those in close relationships.
While you use your intuition to relate to those around you, you may also be ignoring it within other areas of your life. You have to keep training and enhancing your intuition skills if you want to experience the great benefits that comes with it. If you keep ignoring these ‘gut feelings’ then they will no longer happen.
However, it’s not too late to get back in touch with your intuition. With a little practice and training you’ll be able to hear and trust that “little voice” inside your head in no time and progress in other aspects of your life, such as your career, life purpose, and wealth.
You score 40-50. Level 3 – Creative Intuition:
Many scientists and investors get their ideas and knowledge from having Level 3 intuition.
Look at the case of Elias Howe, the inventor of the sewing machine. He was struggling for years to come up with the design for the sewing machine needle. One night he had a dream where he was surrounded by cannibals who were holding spears with holes in them. This gave him the idea that the thread hole for the sewing needle had to be at the tip of needle and not at the top. That was how the sewing machine was invented.
History is filled with countless stories of how Creative Intuition has aided in the creation of inventions, art, and designs. Even businesses have grown and flourished because of intuition.
As a Level 3 Intuitive, you are very attuned to your feelings as well as the world around you, which is an amazing skill. Being able to access your intuitive knowledge has helped not only you, but those around you get ahead in life as well.
You most likely use your intuition to not only improve on your relationships, but also your career where you use intuition to creatively solve problems, make the right business decisions or create beautiful art, music or design.
You are most likely a very creative person who is successful in business or the arts.
You score 50-60. Level 4 – Higher Purpose Intuition:
People with this ability are amazingly successful in the stock market or business. Take a look at Sir Richard Branson; he works with over 300 partners, yet he knows within 60 seconds of meeting a person whether to establish a professional relationship or not.
As a Level 4 intuitive, you already know that you should never doubt your inner voice, which guides you through all areas of your life. You know the importance of honing and fine-tuning your intuitive skills and listening to your inner voice. You meditate daily, which helps you make all important decisions in your life instantly – from love to business to health.
You always listen to your intuition which is the reason why you are where you are today. You know that what your are doing now is your divine purpose. By finding your life purpose, you fully contribute to the betterment of society. Your subconscious mind gives you momentum and the push you need to help you complete your life purpose. You are a highly intuitive being that is making a maximum impact onto the world.
At level 2 :p
ReplyDeleteI got 48: level 3
ReplyDeletehahaha i m 8 ist level