"The Intelligent will not die hungry unless the fool is alive" What has happened to the world? Why they always follow a particular trend of the world? Why nobody wants to be a "Voice" and everybody is trying to be an "Echo"? Many of these questions make my Blood pressure to increase day by day.I felt that this is the problem of my country or my nation but as I am not suffering from Myopia ,I look around the world and got the same result, everybody is suffering from this. Like in my Country every month is fixed for a particular trend and who is earning from them? The one who they feel their enemies.Like the electricians and China earned a lot when in recent months people were following a trend to decorate their streets and houses...I am talking generally because I noticed and I can bet that after few more years it will be compulsory for everyone to decorate the house and street otherwise they will be considered the person who Hate more then Love. ...
He always has a different theory !